Echo Into Darkness: Book 2 in The Echo Saga (Teen Paranormal Romance)

Echo Into Darkness: Book 2 in The Echo Saga (Teen Paranormal Romance) by Skye Genaro Page A

Book: Echo Into Darkness: Book 2 in The Echo Saga (Teen Paranormal Romance) by Skye Genaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skye Genaro
Tags: teen paranormal romance
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the cooler to the blender. I telekinetically turned it on. I did a swirly thing with my finger and turned it off.
    Jaxon's cheek twitched. "You can manipulate on-off buttons. That's what everyone was so excited about?" He faked a yawn, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
    "I'm just warming up," I said.
    A display basket on the counter was loaded with bananas, peaches, and apples. An apple launched itself into my hand.
    "For you." I offered, but when he reached for it, I pulled back. "Nah-ah. Wait." I balanced the apple on my palm and levitated it until it was directly between us.
    "Take a bite," I said.
    He gave me an inquisitive grin. As he leaned in with his mouth open, I did the same on the other side. Our mouths pressed into the firm skin and we each sunk our teeth into the apple's flesh, taking a full bite. The fruit dropped to the counter. Juice ran down the corner of his mouth. I wiped it away with my thumb. He chewed slowly and swallowed hard.
    "I have a couple of theories about you," he said.
    "One. I still don't think you're as talented as they say. And two, I don't think you're as angelic as you let on."
    "You're right, but only on one count," I replied.
    "Which one?"
    "Guess you'll have to figure it out," I challenged, surprised at my boldness.
    "I look forward to it." Jaxon pinned his eyes on mine, took another bite of the apple, and walked out of the shop.

Chapter 14
    I had hardly any customers the rest of the night, leaving me plenty of time to obsess about the kids I'd seen at The Asylum. I was mad they'd crashed into Becca's car. Madder still that they had so easily and boldly come after me like easy prey, right out in public.
    When I obsessed, I went all out: my nails got bitten down to the bed, my knuckles turned red from wringing, my mind went ballistic in a million directions at once. When my shift ended at nine o'clock, I called Kimber. "I'll take the bus," I told her. "You can stay late at the Rose Club." I headed for the bus stop two blocks away.
    By the time the number fourteen picked me up, I was freezing my butt off. I stuffed my hands inside my coat to warm them and watched the downtown city lights disappear behind me.
    I rode across the river to the warehouse district and got off a few blocks from The Asylum. The surrounding businesses were busy loading and unloading delivery trucks twenty-four seven, but that didn't make the dark streets any more enticing. I jogged the rest of the way to the skatepark.
    The sign outside The Asylum said they closed at nine on Sundays, but the door hung open. Cracks webbed across the glass door. A blackness that I could feel but not see scraped down the back of my neck. I froze.
    They were here. They were right inside. I backed away slowly and prepared to full out sprint out of there.
    A masculine voice, unnaturally squeaky, called from inside. "Is anybody out there? Um…help?"
    The voice was non-threatening. I listened closely and didn't hear anyone else poking around. I crept inside. Skater clothing lay everywhere. Helmets, knee pads, shoes, and skateboard parts littered the space. It was as if someone had tipped the entire gear store upside down and emptied it over the rest of the shop.
    "Oh wow. Oh man. It's you ," that same voice came from behind the counter. Tugg was suspended halfway up the concrete wall, hanging by the back of his shirt.
    My eyes bugged. "What the…"
    "Don't just stand there. Get me a chair." His arms and legs flailed as he tried to shake himself loose.
    I hauled a stool over from the concession stand. Tugg balanced on it and unhooked himself. When he lowered next to me, I was reminded of his massive size. I was afraid to ask who had hoisted him off the floor, but Mutila energy cut through the air like daggers. It wasn't hard to guess.
    "Are they gone?" I asked. "Whoever did this, I mean."
    He glared at me and swore. "Out. I don't want you here. Go." His knees shook. He planted a hand on my back and shoved me toward

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