Earthbound Angels Part 1

Earthbound Angels Part 1 by Sweet and Special Books

Book: Earthbound Angels Part 1 by Sweet and Special Books Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sweet and Special Books
Tags: Fiction
interested. Holli couldn’t almost contain her excitement, telling him that if he hadn’t made his move that night she would have made sure there would be another dinner as soon as she could arrange it, to give both of them their chance.
    He had also made another decision, now that Dreama had agreed to go out with him.
    There was going to be no sneaking around. He was proud to be seen with Dreama and wanted the world to know that he was dating her.
    Of course, he might be putting the cart before the horse here, but somehow he didn’t think so.
    That’s why he had thought through the whole thing about Raven and had reached a conclusion.
    Simon had decided to tackle the problem of telling Raven that she wouldn’t be his date for Erick and Hollianne’s wedding as soon as possible.
    He figured that it would be simpler to do this in a very non-public venue so he had invited her over to his house for dinner that night.
Chapter Fourteen
    KARL, EVER THE perfect chef, had created a meal using many of Raven’s favorite dishes.
    When she arrived, dinner itself went well and was, of course, delicious. Karl had prepared a particularly flavorful seafood casserole with a salad and freshly baked bread as sides. For dessert, they had strawberry shortcake made with fresh, newly picked ripe strawberries and topped with homemade whipping cream.
    But when he finally decided to tell her the unwelcome news, he never expected her to react quite the way she had.
    Raven started screaming at the top of her lungs right in the middle of his living room. He was stunned at the bizarre tantrum before he finally realized that he had to stop her.
    Standing up, he crossed the room to where Raven stood still ranting and raving and put his rather hands on her shoulders. She moved to throw herself at him but his arms were like steel.
    He looked her directly in the eyes.
    “Raven, stop this right now,” he calmly commanded. “You are behaving like a child. You’re only embarrassing yourself. What would your father think when he sees you like this?
    Raven was momentarily struck silent. The expression on her face was a combination of outrage and anger. She had been used to getting her way and was enraged that nothing was going to plan.
    She was sure that once that bitch of a sister had the opportunity to be with Simon, she would grab it with both of her greedy hands. Why did she get everything that Raven wanted? It never occurred to Raven that she only felt desperate of wanting something when she saw that Dreama wanted it, too, or that if it had been a person, that someone liked her more than Raven.
    Glaring at Simon, she did at least manage to stop yelling. But Simon had heard more than enough of the words she had yelled at him in her rage.
    “I cannot understand why you would think Holli had a way with this when you’re not even in the arrangements to begin with. And you don’t even like the woman. You have made that fact abundantly clear ever since you met her. Why do you even dislike her so much? You don’t even know her before she became Erick’s fiancée. Was it because Erick fell in love with someone like her, instead of someone like you?”
    Raven looked like she had been slapped. “How dare you?”
    He shrugged his shoulders “I’ve known you enough time to find this reason logical. Maybe you wanted Erick for yourself. I don’t know. But whatever reason that you’re so angry over this, you must get a grip. Do you hear me?”
    Slowly, Raven nodded while still staring at Simon in complete amazement. He had never spoken to her that way. They both know that everything that he’d said was true. Raven knew for a long time that her behavior had become unwelcomed in many circles, and that it was just her father’s clout that was protecting her from the backlash. But no one had ever faced her and told her exactly how bad she was.
    She wasn’t sure that she liked it, but strangely, she appreciated Simon more because of it. She had never met a

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