Duchess Beware (Secrets & Scandals Book 2)

Duchess Beware (Secrets & Scandals Book 2) by Tiffany Green

Book: Duchess Beware (Secrets & Scandals Book 2) by Tiffany Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Green
The perfect match. 
    The men disappeared into the study and closed the door.  Silver gripped the sides of her ugly gray dress and moved away.  She would never, ever measure up.  Her legs trembled as she shuffled into the drawing room, her body cold and numb with despair.  Earlier, she had harbored a smidgen of hope in a tiny corner of her heart—hope that Daniel would somehow rescue her from her vile aunt and uncle and keep her from having to marry Victor Merrick.
    But that hope had disappeared.  Doused like a bucket of cold water over a candle flame.
    Looking across the room, Silver found her mother’s portrait smiling down at her from above the mantle.  Wavy red hair, deep blue eyes.  She made her way forward, halting a foot away, wishing her mother could be here to tell her what to do, how to make the scorching pain in her heart stop.  Her throat closed up and her eyes stung.  Why did everyone she love either leave her or send her away?  Why?
    Behind her, the door creaked open.  Silver whirled around and found Daniel standing there with his eyes on her.  Every muscle in her body stiffened. 
    He stepped into the room and closed the door.
    “W-What are you doing?” she asked, burying her trembling hands in her pockets.
    He wore a blank expression, dull eyes, chiseled lips, and looked right through her as he spoke.  “I made a grievous error last night.  For that, I apologize.  The blow to my head must have impaired my judgment.  I never meant for the incident to happen. And no matter how much I wish otherwise, I cannot undo it.  I can, however, offer you something.  The chest of gold is yours.”
    Silver could not utter a single word.  This wasn’t Daniel speaking, this was the Duke of Huntington.  She stood rigid, unable to believe her ears.  Did he think her a woman of easy virtue who could be bought off?  Dear God, how could he think that of her? “Both you and your gold can go to the devil,” she choked out and fled the room through the side door.
    She marched to the gazebo with her fists balled at her sides.  She sat in a numbed silence, unable to focus her jumbled thoughts on any one thing.
    “There you are, child.  I’ve been looking for you,” Prudence said.  “I forgot to mention earlier that we must begin packing if we are to leave on time.”
    Silver blinked, then drew her brows together.  “Leave?”
    Prudence pursed her lips.  “Have you forgotten?  Our ship will depart soon, and we had better be on it.”  She paused and crossed her arms.  “Or have you decided to remain here with your brothers?”
    Oh, how she wished for that!  But an image of five fresh graves came to her mind, dashing her wish to pieces.  Her uncle had made it clear her brothers would be killed if they interfered.  He was evil enough to do it.  He could also send Prudence away.
    Silver shook her head.  “You know I cannot remain here.  Uncle Edward would never allow it.  He is determined to see me marry Victor Merrick.”  The words left a bitter taste in her mouth.
    Her aunt’s expression softened.  “Sadly, I agree.  God knows I’ve tried to change his mind, but Edward is holding firm to his decision.  It would kill him to have to return the gold Mr. Merrick settled on you.  Have you told your brothers?”
    “I-I don’t think that would be a good idea.  I think I should wait and send them a note after we leave,” she choked out.
    Prudence took the seat beside her.  “Do you think that wise, child?”
    “If I tell my brothers in person, I am convinced they will know how unhappy I am about this arrangement.”  She pressed a sweaty palm to her stomach.  “They may try to interfere.  Uncle Edward would—” she stopped and took a deep breath.  “No, I had better wait and write them after we return to England.  They don’t have to know when the engagement began.”  She shook her head.  “I don’t know why I ever thought I could tell them

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