Driven Lust
try it on?"
    "I wouldn't expect you to give me such a
treat." James responded, getting up to go.
    "Give me a minute." and she headed for the
    James felt awkward, waiting for her return.
A minute later she was back, wearing her new toy.
    Handing James the remote, she said, "Here,
try it out!"
    He shrugged and hit a button and he heard a
low hum. Lisa giggled a little as she felt it hum. Trying the next
setting, the buzzing got louder and Lisa's eyes got bigger. He let
it stay on that for a minute while Lisa squirmed. When she started
panting, he decided to kick it up one more setting. Lisa put her
hands on her crotch and moaned.
    Lisa maneuvered the toy to her liking and
clamped a hand over it. Sitting down on the bed, she spread her
legs a little. James set it on the last setting and watched.
    Lisa's thighs began to tremble and soon they
were shaking. When she seemed to be close, James turned it off.
    "What the hell!" Lisa screamed and James
turned it back on in full force again. Her look of anger turned
back to lust and James let her ride out her orgasm. "Ok, Ok!
Enough!" she said and James turned it off.
    "Seems to do the trick." he said, laying the
remote down on the bed.
    "I soiled them. Now how am I going to get
those clean?" she pouted.
    "Well, there's no sense crying over spilled
... well, you know." James chuckled, "Might as well get as much use
out of it before you have to get them washed." turning to go, "I've
got that run tonight so I have to get ready."
    "Thanks James." Lisa said, getting up off
the bed, "I really appreciate that." walking over to give him a
    "Don't wear it out." James replied with a
smile and left.
    Getting ready for the run, James checked his
phone. He thought he saw a game on it and wanted to try it out.
Noticing he had another email, he wanted to check that first. It
was from his bank. He set it up to alert him if it got too low or a
deposit greater than ten dollars hits it. He was surprised because
he had just set it up earlier and it was already working.
    Looking at the email, he was shocked to see
a deposit of five thousand made. It was pending but it would be in
his account tomorrow. Changing to his calendar, he was going to add
a note to check his account tomorrow and see if it wasn't a
mistake. He noticed two more appointments for tomorrow that he
would have to run. One was a Ying Chung and the other was a couple,
Dave and Laura Hunt.
    He would look more closely later, but needed
to get out of there and get to his pickup. Adding his destination
in to his GPS app, he then changed clothes and added underwear to
his attire. He looked pretty good with the fine threads furnished
for him. A dark blue jacket, matching blue tie and white shirt made
him look almost ... respectable. He laughed at himself over that
    Heading out, he was hoping to catch someone
that could tell him about mail. He was expecting some bills due and
wondered what the forwarding address would be for him.
    Riding the elevator up, it stopped at L1.
Mary entered and gave him a smile. "I'm disappointed." was all she
said and James just shrugged, "Sorry."
    Coming out of the elevator, he was met by
Phil. "What are you doing coming up this way." sounding
    "I was going to ask where I got my mail."
James answered, wondering what was bugging him.
    "Channel 27 is in the foyer asking for you.
Move your ass out the back door. Your mail can wait."
    James was hustled out the parlor door and
used the walkway to the garage. He headed to the mechanic shop,
looking for the keys to the SUV. Ernest had them on a hook for
    Making sure, he hit the lock button and sure
enough, it sounded. Hopping in, he started it up. James knew it
wasn't as big as a full sized van, but the height it sat at above
the ground made it seem big. The garage door automatically opened.
James hoped it would shut once he was out of range.
    Arriving at 3127 Brittany Trail, he pulled
up and stood at the door. Looking at his phone, he noted

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