Dream Valley

Dream Valley by Paddy Cummins

Book: Dream Valley by Paddy Cummins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paddy Cummins
staff showed they were delighted with her quick recovery; really glad to have her back. Sheryl was fussing all over her.
    'I'm fine, Sheryl ... don't worry, I'll be grand.'
    'I know, Jenny, but be careful and mind yourself ... I've been thinking and worrying about you.'
    'Oh, Sheryl, you shouldn't, you're so kind. Anyway, you can
    stop worrying now ... you see I'm fine ... tough stuff; that's me.' They laughed.
    Don Lenihan was conveniently absent - some meeting in the city - would be back in the afternoon. His secretary rang down - Jenny took it.
    'Mr Lenihan would like a one-to-one with you at two-thirty.'
    'That's fine,' replied Jenny cheerfully. She was about to request a meeting herself to be updated on things.
    The stack of files on her desk seemed higher than usual.
    Skipping through them prompted an interesting observation. Some of those files were from last Thursday - should have been dealt with on Friday. Big cases too, that needed extra work and study. She got the picture. Mr Poole was such a nice
    man when she spoke to him last Friday. But leaving all those complicated files for her on her first day back? That was a bit much, very unfair and mean. He chickened out - that's what happened. He did all the easy ones and left the
    hard work for her - the cowardly, lazy sod - just as well she came back early. And he's the 'Head of Underwriting' in the British Division. No wonder we are streets ahead of them here in Dublin.
    There was also a pile of mail unopened. Some were marked for
    her personal attention - she would deal with them later; the files came first. One letter did alert her sufficiently to be opened immediately. It was from the Vice President and Chief Executive at their world headquarters in Toronto.
    Intrigued and impatient, she quickly slit the envelope and read:
    "As you know the President's Convention takes place this year in Palm Beach, Florida, from June 14 th to 21 st ." (She knew that.) "Twelve members of the Irish Direct Sales team and three Branch Managers have qualified to attend on the basis of their sales achievements." (She knew that too.) "The Chief Executive of the Irish Division, Mr Don Lenihan, will be attending." (That's obvious, she thought, it wouldn't be held without him.) "We would like you and your husband to join us in our celebration of a great year's performance. One of our business meetings will deal with the subject of
    'Underwriting' with experts from all international divisions contributing. We would like you to be there to share your knowledge and experience with your overseas colleagues.
    Apologies for the short notice. We would appreciate an
    early reply."
    Jenny sat back in her chair, exhaled a long deep breath, allowing time for the significance of this startling message to sink in. This is unbelievable - incredible!
    She had watched longingly every year as the top sales producers with their wives, the managers, and the Chief Executive, jetted off for an all-expenses-paid holiday in the sun. It was their incentive to reach high sales and a just reward for their efforts. She often wished she could have
    joined them, but it wasn't for the Underwriting Department - they didn't create new business - expensive junkets weren't required for their motivation. Why the change this year? Why were they making a special exception for her?
    She considered it carefully. It could only be one thing - a really great honour. She knew 'Toronto' were impressed with the profitability of the Irish Division. Those high profits traced back directly to shrewd
    underwriting decisions, which meant that her work was highly valued. They were now showing their appreciation in a very special way. She felt grateful and privileged to be working for such a fine international company and honoured to be invited personally by the Senior Vice-President to their World Convention.
    This was just marvellous. Of course she would attend. Why not? The trip of a lifetime.
    Her mind was already planning ahead. She

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