Dream of Me

Dream of Me by Delilah Devlin

Book: Dream of Me by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Military
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long legs, but as nice as her length was, her large breasts drew his attention.
    And just like that, he’d become a creepy stalker. Wolf blew out a breath, ready to set aside the scope, but she turned from her parallel path beside the waves and headed toward his villa. No, toward the one next door.
    Wolf held still behind the curtain, adjusting the spotter to sharpen the view and bring her features into better focus. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and was a mixture of brown and sparkling copper strands. A light tan colored her skin. Her jaw was a little square, hinting at a stubborn nature. Large black sunglasses hid her eyes. But from everything he could see, she was stunning.
    And completely out of his league.
    He liked her looks, but he liked even better the way she moved—her long stride being economical, rather than sensual. No fuss. No extra sway. The angle of her chin reflected an inner confidence he found oddly endearing. When she unlocked her front door and left his view, he felt loss. Maybe he was just lonely and horny. Maybe she wasn’t any of the things he imagined—quick witted, quick to smile, someone a guy didn’t have to entertain, but who could take long silences without wondering if he wasn’t that into her.
    A knock sounded on his bedroom door. “Hey, you up?”
    Wolf tensed and whipped his gaze to the door. Three weeks since he’d been wheels up at Bagram Airfield wasn’t long enough to throw off old habits. When he’d come in from a lonely mission in the field, he’d worn noise-suppressing headphones to keep from reacting to every sound the men surrounding him made. Always a loner, working as a sniper had suited him just fine.
    After his last deployment, he’d realized he had to make some changes—and soon—or he might never assimilate back into society. His social skills sucked. His senses were constantly over-stimulated in the company of other people. Fellow SEAL team members knew him well enough to give him space when he came out of the field. But how the hell would he ever function in the real world when his instincts kept him edgy, and he was constantly searching rooftops, alleys, and doorways for threats?
    Could he ever form deep and lasting friendships? Sure, his team respected his skill with a rifle. He’d saved their asses often enough, but he could hardly call any of them close friends. Although they did try to include him in their off-base activities. How many times had he refused invitations to parties or trips to the beach when the Team was back in Little Creek?
    Rather than stay in quarters on base, he’d elected to rent an apartment, far enough away no one would just drop in. Not that he’d made any effort to make the place homey. Four bare walls, a kitchen, and bathroom. Heavy curtains to reduce the light coming in or to reveal any light inside. He might as well have chosen a cave.
    “Deke’s got breakfast ready, Wolf. Come on down when you’re ready.”
    He could hear the question in Jax’s voice. He supposed Jackson Keller was as close to a friend as he had. He’d arranged the little meet ’n’ greet in Texas. As soon as he’d heard through the grapevine Wolf had submitted his separation papers, he’d called, wondering if he was interested in putting his skills to good use for much better pay.
    Not that Jax’s invitation to come meet the folks at Charter Group in their Dallas headquarters was his only option. GAPS was wooing him, too. But the Guardian Angels Protection Services hadn’t offered him the use of a house on a Cancun beach. Charter had even thrown in the flight on one of the company’s private jets.
    Wolf returned the scope to his duffel and pulled out a pair of swimming trunks and a plain navy tee. After he ate, he’d swim. And then maybe he could get his head around the choice he had to make.
    He found Deke and Jax in the kitchen. Suri, Jax’s girlfriend, was behind the kitchen island, flipping pancakes.
    She looked up and gave

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