Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings

Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings by Selena Illyria

Book: Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings by Selena Illyria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Illyria
Tags: Erótica
Slick with desire, her pussy contracted. She felt empty. Longing for some relief, Rose glanced around the office hoping to spot the door to the bathroom.
    Draven slipped past her, grabbing her hand as he went, and guided her to his desk. On numb feet, every step felt weighted down as the desire coiled into a small ball in her stomach. The press of his palm against hers sent an electric shock up her arm to ping around her body.
    He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and yanked it up until it was around her waist. She spread her legs without protest and moaned at the first touch of his fingers ghosting over the damp crotch of her panties.
    “Said no sex in the office, but this is masturbation.” He pressed soft kisses down her neck, nipping the skin over her pulse before pressing a soft touch to the hollow under her ear. She reached out and gripped the edge of his desk as she began to shake with want.
    “So wet, baby. Fuck, you smell good.” He added more pressure, teasing her clit with a harder touch. Through the damp silk, he rubbed the aching bundle with his thumb while rocking his fingertips against her covered entrance, teasing her. She moved with him, pushing her hips forward.
    Rose lifted an arm and wrapped it around his neck. With her free hand, she stroked and pinched her nipple through the thin fabric of her blouse. A gasp was torn from her when he pushed the wet fabric aside to touch her.
    “So wet. So hot.” He pushed three fingers inside of her. She moaned and tightened her vaginal muscles around the invasion. Draven pressed down on her clit as he finger fucked her. The wet sounds of his fingers mingled with soft grunts and groans. He moved against her, his erection stroking her ass. “Need you, home. Want to fuck you now.”
    “Then fuck me.” She gasped when his fingers curled inside of her. The tips stroked her G-Spot and set off an avalanche of sensations that shuddered through her. Her orgasm grew until it felt too big for her body to contain. Grabbing handfuls of his hair, she held on, anchoring herself to something solid and real as his fingers moved faster and faster.
    When his fangs traced her neck, without hesitation she tilted her head to the side, allowing him free access. “Please,” she pleaded.
    Draven muttered something she didn’t understand before tracing his fangs along her jugular once more and bit down. She screamed. Her body bucked, and pain and pleasure clashed into each other. The darkness was back, pulling her under. Fire sizzled along her nerve endings as small explosions burst inside of her. This time she wasn’t falling, but felt weightless. She was aware of his fangs pulling out of her throat. He lapped at the wound, setting off small electric sparks with each touch. His fingers continued to drive into her. Her body tensed. A stillness took over before she came, crying out. Draven released her clit, but continued to finger fuck her. She came again and again, shaking as the pleasure consumed her.
    “Later, going to be inside of you. Going to make you scream,” he murmured as he pressed hard kisses along her neck.
    As the desire ebbed, she turned over, placing her forehead on his desk. Panting, she tried to keep her eyes open. Sweat slipped between her breasts, down her back, and over her face. Her hand was still curled around the edge of his desk. Her nerve endings tingled as he withdrew his hand. The maelstrom within her died away leaving a smoldering pile of embers.
    “So beautiful and all mine,” he murmured. All she could do was nod. Her body felt like jelly. She had a hard time focusing.
    A gentle knock at the door jolted her into action. Draven wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. She didn’t protest as she allowed him to carry her across the room.
    “Can you stand, baby?” He placed a kiss on her temple and continued to hold her around the middle.
    Nodding, she felt him lower her to the ground. When

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