Dragon's Blood (Black Planet Book 1)

Dragon's Blood (Black Planet Book 1) by Belinda McBride

Book: Dragon's Blood (Black Planet Book 1) by Belinda McBride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belinda McBride
compliant. Her desperation receded to expectant need. His hands, his lips skated over her skin, and he whispered of her beauty, of his love.
    Like a cornered suspect, she assumed the position, hands braced on the wall of the shed, legs wide. Aiden moved her a bit, bending her just a bit more at the waist, and he was back, deep inside her body, his strokes slow, steady and deep.
    Annie had never allowed a man to take her this way. It was too revealing, too vulnerable. With Aiden, it felt right. He’d caught her, conquered her, and was now nurturing her. Annie leaned forward even further, resting her face against her arms. Oddly, tears began to well up in her eyes. The desolation of the past five years began to fill her heart, to overflow and melt away.
    His big hands stroked her waist, reached around to cup her breasts and skim over her belly. As though sensing her tumult, Aiden wrapped himself around her body, molding himself to her. One big, bruised hand cradled her mons. She ground against it, her climax rising once again. His strokes were steady and deep, his cock kissing that sweet place deep inside her passage.
    Aiden brushed the hair from her nape and nipped lightly, finding a sweet spot she hadn’t known existed. Annie tilted her head, giving him better access. Their movement was less frantic now, more fluid. They both savored the build-up to the coming explosion.
    “I love you, Annie.”
    A sob built in her chest at the words. They moved faster. He held her tighter, his fingers circling her clit with firm, steady pressure. Again and again, he skated over that sensitive spot in her channel. Her need for more pressure rose up. She tilted her hips to meet him, to beg for him to take her harder, faster, and he complied. His breath was harsh in her ear. Grunts became moans as Aiden grew closer, and Annie held back, held back… and let go…
    When he came, he drew back, beating into her in short, shallow thrusts, slamming into her G-spot over and over, pulling her with him. She wanted, needed to hold him, to pull him close, but her arms were empty.
    Instead Aiden wrapped her up tight, filling her not only with his seed, but with his very essence, with who he was, who he would be.
    And then he turned her around to face him, and he held her close, so close that they might very well be one person.

    * * *
    “ T hat was crazy good , Aiden.”
    They’d returned to Aiden’s loft, showered in his solar-heated water and had promptly taken to bed. Aiden lay on his belly while Annie inspected the intricately wrought dragon that was tattooed into his skin.
    “Finding those blades strapped to your arms was crazy. I thought you were going to do me in!” He turned his head in her direction, unable to see her face but enjoying the connection.
    “When did you get this dragon? It was before Lisa died.”
    “Guess I was about twenty or so. The Lees did it before they left.”
    “So about the same time they marked me.” Her voice had gone carefully neutral. “Aiden, you saw my tattoo, knew what it meant, but you didn’t think to mention that you carry the exact same mark? That we’re fellow students of Guo Lee?”
    “It’s not exactly the same. Mine doesn’t have little flowers.” At that, he rolled onto his side, head propped on his hand. She was beautiful there, dressed only in dark hair and the colors of her tattoo.
    “At first I was just… overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to think of it. And I know you have an aversion to tattoos. The one on my chest bothers you. I couldn’t imagine how you’d react when you saw the twin to yours on my back.”
    She sighed. He was probably right. She’d never accepted the honor of her markings. Enduring the painful hours of tattooing had been the final test, to prove her mastery of self. While she would always be Guo Lee’s student, she was now a master in her own right. As was Aiden, it seemed.
    “Did you get a chance to check out the crowd at my fight? Anyone suspicious?”

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