
Dragonclaw by Kate Forsyth Page A

Book: Dragonclaw by Kate Forsyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Forsyth
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after Isabeau had carefully bolted them closed. ‘That should hold them for a while,’ Meghan said in satisfaction.
    â€˜Should we no’ be going? If the Mesmerd knows we’re in here …’ Isabeau shuddered. Her guardian kept placidly transferring the contents of the kitchen drawers into the magic pouch. ‘Meghan!’
    â€˜Patience, my bairn,’ her guardian said. ‘They will no’ get through those wards in a hurry, and Seychella never ken about the secret passages, remember?’
    â€˜But what about Seychella?’
    â€˜There is nothing we can do for Seychella now. We must look to our own safety,’ the old witch responded implacably.
    At last Meghan was ready. She looked about her sadly and laid her hand on the living wall of the tree. ‘Thank ye, my friend,’ she said. Only then did she let Isabeau pull open the hidden entrance to the secret passage concealed behind the pantry shelves.
    As she waited, Meghan hurriedly went through the knapsack, checking what Isabeau and Gitâ had packed. Seeing the full bags of provisions, the change of clothing, the knife and pan, she made a grunt of approval. ‘You’ve done well, Beau,’ Meghan said. ‘At everything. I’m very proud.’ She thrust her hand into the pocket of her damp gown and pulled out another ring, whose stone glittered topaz yellow in the dying firelight. This jewel was curiously set, with a tiny gold rose on either side, surrounded by an etching of thorns. Isabeau recognised the design immediately, for it was the same as the one Meghan had shown her the previous night, and which now adorned the moonstone ring Meghan wore on her middle finger. She also recognised the unusual yellow glitter of the jewel as the one Meghan had hidden from her the night of Seychella’s arrival.
    â€˜This stone was found with ye,’ Meghan said. ‘It is yours now, ye’ve earned it today.’
    Isabeau stared at it in amazement. A sorceress ring! It had her name inscribed on the inside. She wondered if it held a clue to her mysterious heritage.
    â€˜I did no’ name ye,’ Meghan explained. ‘Ye came with the ring. I have kept it all these years for ye. I knew it was a sorceress ring, though where it came from or what the device means, I do no’ ken. The jewel is called “dragoneye” and is very rare. Come, let us go.’
    Leading the blind seer by the hand, they hurried down the secret passage, Isabeau’s heart thumping so loud she was afraid the soldiers would hear it. The passage came out under a giant thorny bush, so they were badly scratched struggling out. They were out of sight of the tree, but nonetheless went carefully through the thick undergrowth, wary of sentries. Jorge went with them, his blind head turning anxiously from side to side.
    â€˜Do no’ use your magic,’ Meghan warned. ‘They have a seeker with them.’ In single file, walking softly and looking about them, they made their way through the forest. Both Isabeau and Meghan knew every track in this valley, and they encountered no trouble. The storm was already passing, so that between the thinning clouds they saw the red comet rising into the sky. It seemed a bad omen.
    There was only one way in and out of the valley, and that was through a system of caves that riddled the mountain wall to the west. Some were only shallow, and others gave the promise of a way through, only to lead to a dead end. There was even a loch, far below the surface, an eerie place where stalagmites and stalactites touched fingers and the ceiling rose into an intricate cathedral of stone. The caves were a maze, and a natural defence; Isabeau could still hardly believe the Red Guards had been able to find their way through. They must have employed magic. Isabeau, remembering the Mesmerd, shuddered.
    Without doubt the seanalair of the Red Guards would have left a guard, and so they regrouped in the

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