Dragon Ugly (Dragon New Year)
this wasn’t Scentify. Anna and Jez were running around restocking the shop, but the products were being bought as fast as they could get them on the shelves. There was security stationed around the store for some sort of celebrity who was apparently in the store, but neither Anna nor Jez had even a second to tell her who it was.
    Carissa rushed up to the counter to start helping out with checkout. Within fifteen minutes, she was sure her arm was going to fall off from all the ringing up and bagging she was doing. When the phone rang, she tucked the receiver in the cradle of her neck, pinning it between her ear and her shoulder.
    “Hello, Scentify, this is Carissa speaking. How may I help you?” She tried not to sound harried, but pleasant, light, like the world was a beautiful, rainbow-sparkle-filled place with unicorns and clouds made of cupcakes that rained chocolate, but only managed to sound a little off of her rocker.
    “Honey, I’m gonna have to cancel dinner tonight. I’m off my center and feeling kind of like shit. I need to realign. Is that okay? I really hate to do this but—” Brent’s voice was breathy, filled with tension. Something was very wrong.
    Carissa latched onto his voice like a lifeboat. “Brent! Forget dinner. Come over to my place. I’ll give you that massage you wanted.” She didn’t know where that suggestion came from but out it came. The strain she heard in his worried her, and she felt an overwhelming need to look after him, to make him feel better. She didn’t know what was wrong, but she knew just how to make it right. “I have some massage oil that would help rebalance your chakras. Let me take care of you. I can cook.”
    Carissa blinked. Now where the hell did that come from? She didn’t cook for men. She barely cooked for herself. “Why the hell not?” her wolf asked.
    “Well, okay, if you wouldn’t mind.” The tension in Brent’s voice lessened, and she could feel him relax a little.
    “I don’t mind at all, if you don’t mind being a guinea pig.” She couldn’t help but grin at that. Normally she, Jez and Anna tested out the products. It would be nice to get a male perspective on the scents they were considering. Plus, it would allow her to get her hands on his body.
    Her palms tingled at the thought. She wanted to see if that golden skin went all the way down. Was he darker or paler underneath his clothes? Or was he just as beautifully tanned? Was he hairy, or were his crisp curls trimmed? Or maybe he was completely bare. Were his legs dense with hair or lightly furred?
    She reminded herself that she was in public, and that it wouldn’t do to daydream with the store so busy, but her mind didn’t heed that warning. Instead, her head filled with images of Brent slowly stripping out of his clothes, revealing himself inch-by-inch, until he was completely naked. He would be unashamed by his nudity. He’d be the type of man who wouldn’t be shy to show her how he liked to be touched, how he liked to masturbate when he was alone.
    She sucked in a shaky breath as she tried to picture him on her bed, his thick cock with the flared crest ruddy, a pearl of cum already at the slit. Carissa licked her lips, wanting to taste that salty essence of him. She wanted to wrap her lips around that thick stalk and suck him down until he hit the back of her throat, and once there, she’d swallow him down, teasing him with the clench and hold of her throat muscles. A buzz of excitement rushed through her body as her hand shook with the effort of keeping calm. She tried to ignore the steady pulse of her clit as her arousal began to grow and her heartbeat sped.
    As she rang up a gift box of scented oils, the image in her mind changed to Brent tied down to her bedposts and blindfolded. She’d always wanted to trail a bit of ice down a man’s body and tease him with the cold before using her mouth to heat him up. Would Brent enjoy that? Maybe she would use that chill on his dick.

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