Dragon Knight's Sword

Dragon Knight's Sword by Mary Morgan

Book: Dragon Knight's Sword by Mary Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Morgan
Tags: Romance
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the time they came back to Rowan Cottage. When she entered, there was a note on the entry table addressed to her and Conn. It stated that on Fridays, there was live music and storytelling at the local pub called the Black Swan. Kate insisted that she come on down to get a true flavor of Scotland.
    “Well, it looks like we’ll be eating at the Black Swan for dinner,” showing Conn the note.
    Rubbing his hands together to ward off the chill, he remarked, “Aye, it’s Friday, and you don’t want to miss a great meal and singing at the Black Swan.” Turning, he headed back out the front door.
    “I’ll be there in a few minutes, Conn. I just want to freshen up a bit,” she called out.
    “No worries, lass. I’ll keep the car humming and warm,” as he gave her a wave over his head.
    Dashing up the stairs, all Brigid could think about was a warm meal and a pint. The day had drained her emotionally, and she couldn’t think of anything better than being at a pub— especially in the Highlands of Scotland.
    Walking into the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face, noticing she had sprouted more freckles from being out in the sun. A little makeup would help to cover them, but she didn’t want to keep Conn waiting. The anticipation of food and a pint was causing her stomach to rumble. Braiding her hair quickly and securing it with a leather thong, she finished with a bit of lip-gloss and changed from her tee shirt to a pale green sweater.
    Catching one more glimpse of herself in the mirror, she grabbed her leather jacket and purse, as she headed out the door.
    As they approached the Black Swan, they could hear laughter spill out from the entrance and the smells of food assaulted Brigid before she set foot inside. “I’m really here in the Highlands,” she whispered to herself and smiled.
    Conn held the door open and as soon as they entered, cheers erupted from the crowd when they saw him. Hellos were exchanged with claps on the back, and even those daring gave hugs. It was as if he was being treated to a hero’s welcome. They simply adored him. Smiling, Brigid just stood back to take it all in, since seeing Conn laugh and jest was something she had yet to witness.
    “Well, there you are!” Kate came up behind Brigid, taking her arm and leading her to one of the tables near a small platform for the performers. “I thought it best you should have front row seating.”
    Hamish was heading slowly toward them with a tray full of pints, trying not to bump into anyone along the way. Brigid held her breath watching him make his way to their table. He was doing some fancy maneuvering to squeeze past a raucous pair of men.
    “Here you go.” Hamish set down the tray passing the pints to her and Kate.
    “I see Conn is talking with the MacGregor’s.” He nodded to where Conn was standing with a group of men.
    “Do they always acknowledge Conn that way?” Brigid asked, still watching as others greeted him as if they had not seen him in ages.
    Kate looked back toward Brigid with a look that was more cautious as she spoke. “Aye, it’s been some time since Conn’s returned to these parts.”
    “Did he grow up here?” Brigid asked, as she took a sip of her pint. “Delicious,” she muttered softly.
    “He has family near and around these parts, but nae, he did not spend his young days here,” responded Kate.
    Laughter warm and rich came forth from Conn. Brigid continued to be in awe of this man until suddenly a sharp memory invaded her thoughts—the man in her dreams. Why would her heart dwell on a fantasy when here in front of her were real live men? So many too, she thought, and they made them big here in the Highlands. Yet, there he stood within her thoughts and heart—her dream Highlander. “Ridiculous!” she snapped.
    “Brigid?” Kate had placed her hand on Brigid’s with a questioning look on her face.
    “Nothing, Kate,” giving her a small sad smile. “I’m just thinking utter nonsense and

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