Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)

Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) by Sher Dillard

Book: Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) by Sher Dillard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sher Dillard
mention of princess, then, quickly ran those eyes over her gown.
    “Elsbeth,” he continued, “may I present my mother? Queen Matilda of Perralt, and sovereign of the Forbidden Forest.”
    A queen? Elsbeth thought. Another damn secret. Why hadn’t he told her? Elsbeth’s insides stiffened in shock. That bastard. He should have warned her. He should …
    Twenty years of training kicked in. She must remember her manners. Dropping into a deep curtsy, she dipped her head with respect.
    “Your Highness,” Elsbeth said.
    The woman continued to remain quiet, leaving Elsbeth uncertain how to continue. Should she rise? Should she wait for some sign? What were the rules in Drake’s world?
    If Drake was a dragon, was this woman a dragon, also? She definitely had the eyes for it. They looked like they could crucify a person at fifty paces.
    Drake’s mother was even more imposing than Elsbeth had feared. But to learn she was a queen in her own right. It was enough to make Elsbeth regret ever deciding to leave home.
    “Rise, my child,” the queen said.
    Elsbeth swallowed hard and rose to look the woman directly in the eye. Best that she learn that Elsbeth was a princess in her own right, as well. The rightful queen to the land of Lushcany.
    The two woman studied each other for a moment. At last, the Queen seemed to come to some kind of acceptance and slightly nodded her head. Almost admitting a little respect.
    She turned to her son. “This is a surprise, Drake, I thought we agreed to two full years.”
    Drake’s cheeks actually flushed. “As I remember it, it was more a royal decree than an agreement.”
    A spark jumped into the Queen’s eyes at Drake’s comments. Elsbeth felt for sure this was not the first time these two had clashed.
    “I see that you are injured,” the Queen said as she indicated his shoulder. “Is it serious? Are you likely to die within the next few minutes?”
    Drake almost smiled. “Probably not,” he answered simply.
    Elsbeth could feel the tension rising between them. Why? she wondered. Why wasn’t a mother overjoyed to see her son?
    “He is seriously hurt, Your Highness,” Elsbeth said. Interjecting herself before things became too intense. “I did the best that I could, but he needs a proper healer.”
    The Queen looked at her, then back at her son. “And, how did you become injured this time?” she asked solemnly.
    Drake paused for a moment, then said, “A Gray.”
    The Queen blanched, her eyebrows rising in surprise. “A Gray? In my forest?”
    “Yes mother,” Drake said. Elsbeth could have sworn the man was pleased to have shocked his mother. Oh, what a holy terror he must have been as a little boy.
    “I assume you resolved the issue correctly?” she said with a haughty voice.
    Drake shook his head. “He escaped, wounded, but he is gone.”
    “And you didn’t go after him?” the queen asked.
    Elsbeth stepped forward. “Drake returned to protect me. He had no way of knowing if there were other dragons about. And, he really is seriously wounded. He needs to be seen by a healer, as soon as possible.”
    The Queen glanced down at where Elsbeth’s hand rested on her son’s arm. Then, back at the woman making demands. She seemed to hesitate before she turned and gestured towards the dark opening.
    A young woman, dressed in black with white lace at the collar and cuffs of her dress stepped out of the shadows. She threw Drake a quick smile, sending Elsbeth’s insides into turmoil. That smile spoke of a history.
    “Mary,” the Queen said, “please escort our guest down below. Help her dress for dinner. One of Gwyn’s gowns should fit.” The Queen paused and looked at Elsbeth once more, confirming her judgement on the Princess’ size.
    “We always dress for dinner,” the Queen said, her voice making it clear there was no choice in the matter.
    “As for you, Drake,” she continued, “you know your way to the healer. Heaven knows you have been there enough. I will see

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