dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon

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Book: dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon by linda k hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: linda k hopkins
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of dragons. He indicated that there was something particular he needed to tell me, but at the last minute, he changed his mind. ‘Perhaps some things are better left unsaid,’ he said. As you know, Alfred died in the war, and whatever he was going to tell me died with him. But I believe Aaron Drake is the key.”
    Callaway leaned forward, eyes narrowed as he looked at Hindley. “What makes you think that?”
    “He mentioned Drake by name.”
    “And do you have an inkling of what he was going to say?”
    “I cannot be certain, but I think Aaron Drake knows more about dragons than he’s revealed – knowledge that would help us defeat them.”
    “Be that as it may,” Grant said, “how does it help us?”
    “You need to speak with him.”
    “Aaron Drake has already shown himself unwilling to aid us in our cause,” Grant said, “and if he is keeping secrets, then that would suggest he’s actively hindering us. When my father invited him to join our ranks, Drake informed him that should another dragon threat arise, he would deal with it himself, but was unwilling to hunt dragons that were not attacking. I doubt he has revised his position.”
    “That must have been thirty years ago!” Hammond Elliott snorted incredulously, lifting his thick, bushy eyebrows. “He’s well beyond the age of dealing with dragons now. He must tell us what he knows!”
    “And without the information he possesses, you may as well give up the fight,” added Hindley.
    “Never!” The word was softly spoken, but none could doubt the vehemence in Lleland’s voice. “We must never give up.”
    “No, we’ll never give up,” agreed Grant. “But even if Drake were prepared to reveal his knowledge, actually speaking to him could prove impossible.”
    “Why?” said Elliott.
    “Apart from his reluctance to serve the League, he values his privacy more than anyone I know,” Grant explained. “He seldom ventures into the city, and when he does, it’s only for a few days. We know he lives in or near the Northern Mountains, but that doesn’t help us much because the region is so vast.”
    “I can discover where he lives,” Lleland said. Seven pairs of eyes turned to look at him. “His son is a student in my class.”
    “Ah!” Grant leaned back in his chair as a slow smile spread over his face. “Your student, eh? That gives us something to work with.” He tapped his chin. “Yes, hmm…” He leaned forward. “You’re a traveler, Seaton, always exploring different towns and ruins. Have you ever been to the Northern Mountains?”
    “I haven’t,” Lleland said. He thought of Lydia and her enthusiasm for her childhood playground. It had been she who suggested he visit Zach and explore the terrain. “But I think a trip in the summer would be most enlightening.”
    “I believe it would,” Grant said.

Chapter 12
    “‘ The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.’ ” Lleland looked at the bored faces in his class. It was a gloomy, gray day. Outside, the rain beat a steady tattoo against the window, while shrubs and trees dripped incessantly. Cold crept through the thin pane of glass and wormed between the cracks in the walls, while the stone floor made the room even colder. As Lleland spoke, his breath hung in the air for a moment before slowly dissipating. Only Zach Drake appeared to be interested in the lecture. “Cicero,” Lleland continued, “that great Roman philosopher, understood that not all minds are equal.” He glanced around the room. “He also understood that ‘knowledge which is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather than wisdom.’”
    Zach cleared his throat. “Cicero also tells us,” he said, “not to ‘ listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be great and manly. Nothing is so praiseworthy, nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul, as clemency and readiness

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