dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon

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Book: dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon by linda k hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: linda k hopkins
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banged his fist on the table to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s begin. You’re all familiar with Lord Hindley.” He turned towards the older man. “Welcome, my lord.”
    Hindley nodded. “Thank you.” His eyes were a startling blue, clear and alert despite his advancing years. He was dressed in a black doublet over a crisp, white shirt, and from where Lleland sat, he could see black breeches, black stockings and black, pointed shoes. A memory stirred, but Lleland could not quite capture it.
    “My Lord Hindley has asked to join us tonight,” Grant continued. “I’m sure we can all agree that that’s acceptable.” He was met with silence. “Before we give him the floor, are there any updates, Seaton?”
    Lleland took a moment to look around the table. “I saw two dragons in the hill country last week.”
    The men around the table leaned forward, and Grant clasped his hands. “You saw two dragons, you say? Did they see you?”
    “Yes. I loosed an arrow – foolishly, as they were beyond my range, but they did not retaliate in any way.”
    “Maybe they’d already hunted,” Scott suggested.
    Lleland shrugged. “Perhaps.”
    Baric Callaway, seated across from Lleland, tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Did you see them more than once?”
    “No. But I understand from the innkeeper that dragons are not unknown in the area.”
    “Did you ask him about a lair?”
    “No. But clearly these two animals did not see me as a threat, so if there is a lair, I doubt it was close by.” Callaway nodded, his long, thin face thoughtful as he considered Lleland’s words.
    “It would still behoove us to search the hills,” Branton said. He leaned back in his seat and rested his crossed arms over his large stomach. Branton was a merchant who spent part of each year across the water, seeing to his business interests. He had been away from the city when the black dragon attacked, but the monster set fire to one of his warehouses, destroying the merchandise stored within. Branton had managed to salvage the business, but lost a large sum of money. Along with Grant, he funded many of the League’s activities.
    “I agree,” said Grant. “Channing? Elliott? Perhaps you can undertake a trip to the hills?” He waited as the two men nodded. “Good. Now let’s move on to the reason Lord Hindley is gracing us with his presence.” He turned to the older man. “Would you care to explain?”
    “Thank you, Bart.” Hindley looked around the table. “As you probably know, it was my influence that helped establish the League and set the goals of this august group of hunters. However, I am well aware that the fight has been difficult. You are battling an enemy that is shrewd and cunning, and although you have had successes, they have been few and far between. Even when the black dragon attacked Civitas, we knew we were dealing with a monster unlike anything ever seen. We lost many to the beast, until one man stepped forward to battle it. You all know I am referring to Aaron Drake. He alone was able to lay a trap that would be the creature’s undoing.”
    Callaway tapped his long fingers impatiently on the table. Like Lleland, he had lost a person he loved to the black dragon. His older brother was a guard who fought to stop the beast from killing a young woman, and been killed by the creature.
    “Since my retirement from service,” Hindley continued, “I’ve spent my time writing down the details of my time at court, recalling long-forgotten events.” He crossed his arms on the table. “After Drake killed the dragon, he met with the king. I was not present, but I remember that Alfred seemed particularly distressed when Drake left. He refused to relate the particulars, but was distracted for quite a few days.
    “Drake’s name seldom came up after that, until the eve of the war with Terran, when Alfred passed the affairs of state into my hands. We had many meetings before his departure, and one of them involved the threat

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