had a bad word to say for anyone, calmly
accepted that she hated Cassie Turner for what she’d done to Noah.
She nurtured that hatred, reveling in the feeling as it spread
through her body with a speed she didn’t attempt to check. The
prospect of one day extracting revenge was the only thing that kept
her from falling apart.

Chapter Nine
    Cassie and Noah had been married for a month,
but unexpected delays meant that Broad Street wasn’t yet ready and
they were still camping out with the Turners. Noah survived it by
being there as little as possible. He left home at first light and
didn’t come back until as late as ten o’clock some nights, dropping
with fatigue but determined to remain positive about his various
    Mrs. Turner complained, unable to understand
why she should cook for him if he couldn’t make time to eat with
them, but Noah pointed out to Cassie that she couldn’t have it both
ways. One moment his mother-in-law was accusing him of being a
free-loader, the next she was complaining because he worked too
    He paused in his labors, wiped sweat from his
brow, glanced at his watch, and swore. He’d really like to stay and
finish studding this new wall, but Mrs. Turner had insisted upon
throwing a party for the newlyweds, presumably because she was
terrified that it would look as though she didn’t approve if she
didn’t mark the occasion in style. Tonight he and Cassie would
greet two hundred guests, most of them strangers to him. It would
be a massive waste of time.
    When Noah got back to the Turners’ place, even
he was impressed by the sight of the tent that had been erected in
the garden, enclosing the swimming pool. With the underwater lights
on, thousands of fairy lights adorning the walls of the tent, and
candles flickering on every surface, it looked classy.
    The tables were beautifully set with white
linen, sparkling crystal glasses, and elaborate flower arrangements
in their centers. Professional caterers were hard at work, and a
live band would provide music for them to dance the night away. No
expense had been spared, and everything was being done in the best
of taste. Cassie and her mother, aided and abetted by Charles’s
money, had seen to that.
    “ Darling, where have you been?”
Cassie asked as he entered their bedroom. “The guests will be
arriving soon.” She reached up and pecked his cheek, careful to
avoid his dusty clothing.
    “ It’s only half seven, and it
won’t take me ten minutes to shower and change.” He looked her over
and grinned. “You look nice. Going anywhere special?”
    She punched his arm playfully. “Hurry up and
get ready, darling. I can’t wait to show you off to
    “ In a minute, but I’ve got great
news to share with you first.”
    “ Really.” She pursed her lips and
applied another coat of gloss to them. “What is it?”
    “ Well, providing the Building
Inspectors pass the latest works, then I think we’ll be able to
move into our own place in just a couple more weeks.”
    “ Oh,” she said absently, idly
fiddling with a stray strand of hair. “Where?”
    He glowered but she was still examining her
face and didn’t appear to notice. “Where did you imagine?” he
asked, his voice unnaturally low.
    “ Well, it’s funny you should say
that, but Mummy and I looked at one of the new flats in the old
grange grounds the other day, and they’re simply fantastic! One on
the ground floor would be perfect for us and the baby. I can’t wait
to show you.”
    “ Actually, I was referring to the
apartment on Broad Street that I’ve been working my nuts off to
prepare for us,” he said, walking into the bathroom and slamming
the door.
    “ Noah, wait. Darling, I didn’t
mean that we shouldn’t live there, it’s just that—”
    She tried to follow him, but he locked the
door and leaned against it, so furious that he was afraid of what
he might do to her at that precise moment if she came anywhere near
him. This

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