Down On My Knees

Down On My Knees by Victor McGlothin

Book: Down On My Knees by Victor McGlothin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor McGlothin
don’t have a problem,” Grace said, before staring into a set of squinted eyes again. “Okay, who am I fooling? I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
    Sister Kolislaw smiled heartily at Grace. “Now that we got that out the way, let’s get down to business. First of all, I think you’ve done a fine job raising André. He’s a delightful boy and growing taller than a Mississippi pine. I know you proud of him, too, the way he’s turning out without a man to guide him. Uh-huh, I see the way you dote on him. He’s blessed to have you care for him the way you do.”
    â€œYes, ma’am, I’m blessed as well. He is a good son.”
    After pulling a thick file out of the rickety bottom drawer, Sister Kolislaw hummed a spiritual as her fingers flipped from one page to the next. “Uh-huh, Jesus is on my mind. Oh, here we go!” She took out a single sheet of paper and slid it underneath her hat. “Before we get this show on the road, I want to hear what you think the matter is.”
    â€œWell, I’ve had my fill of stand-ins like the ones you were talking about, but until lately, I’ve not been interested in gettingserious. I’ve been focused on providing for André and climbing the corporate ladder.”
    â€œThe which?” Sistah Kolislaw asked.
    â€œYou know, the corporate ladder to success,” Grace explained.“A single mother has to play the game to get ahead in a man’s world.” After Grace’s short dissertation regarding the workplace, she felt ridiculous.
    â€œUh-huh, just what I suspected. You’ve been focusing on the wrong things, Grace. The Lord will provide for you and your child if you diligently seek Him. That’s straight from the Good Book. Spending all that time playing games has got you on the losing end of life. True, it is a man’s world, and it always will be. That there’s God’s design, so ain’t no use arguing the point, but I will tell you a couple o’ things you can fix, if you had the right mind to.”
    â€œOf course, I’m open to suggestions.” Grace was all ears.
    â€œGood, then we can move in the right direction for a change.” Sister Kolislaw scratched at her gray wig as she leaned back in the chair. “Just listen and don’t say nothing until I’m through, or else you might miss something.” Grace agreed, so she continued. “You’re too strong, Grace, too self-sufficient,never looking to lean on a strong shoulder. It’s not healthy for a woman to be alone in this world, especially if she can help it. A man who finds a wife finds a good thing. The problem is some women don’t know how to look lost. Other ones outsmart themselves into thinking they don’t need no man at all unless it’s for carnal gain. And too many women done forgot their home training. Just flouncing around, ready to throw their legs open the first time a fellow calls ’em cutie-pie or treats ’em to a hot meal. Grace, try keeping the treasure to your earthly kingdom under lock and key until a man’s ready to purchase a castle and make you his queen.” When it appeared as if Grace was going to comment,she received a stern warning. “And before you open your mouth to defend yourself, let me finish. The only woman who doesn’t need a man is the one who doesn’t care about living life to the fullest, long and wide, while enjoying the best life has to offer.” That was the second time in as many days Grace was told to live life long and wide. “God designed it that way, and that’s the way it ought to be, praise His holy name. I got book, chapter, and verse for everything I’ve told you, but seeing is believing, so here you go. See for yourself.” She raised her hat from the desk, picking up the single sheet of paper she handed to Grace. There were severalscriptural references typed on it, with

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