Doubting Our Hearts

Doubting Our Hearts by Rachel E. Cagle

Book: Doubting Our Hearts by Rachel E. Cagle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel E. Cagle
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grave detail about the specifics of this friend is still beyond me. Damon was never the jealous type. "I haven't spoken to him since I came here, so if he saw us together or not was never discussed."
    "Do you think that's why he had had a change of heart? Could he have seen us and thought we were going behind his back?"
    I never really thought of that. I just assumed Damon and Nora were sneaking behind my back when I was blind to see what was going on. I never had the thought that maybe Damon saw me and Brayden together and just did something malicious to hurt me. That just didn't seem like the Damon I knew.
    "My first inclination is to say no. I don't think Damon would go as far as he did if he had known about us. That's not to say he didn't know. He never said anything."
    Us . Was there an us at one time that I was too naive to identify?
    Brayden took off my camera bag and place it between us on the bench then open the case to grab the camera. He puts it in my hands then looks in my emerald eyes. "Take a few. You can use the distraction." I give him a smile before I uncap the lens and start to focus on some trees. He allows me to snap a few pictures before he could continue.
    "I was with Addison for about two years when I met you. I met her in a bar trying to find the answers to her problems at the bottom of a bottle of vodka."
    As much as I don't want to hear about his fiancé, I know this part I must suffer through to get to the answers I'm wanting. I remain quiet and keep snapping pictures as I give him the time he needs to tell me the truth.
    "I spent the next few hours listening to her about how her ex-boyfriend made a big production of outing the fact he was unfaithful to her. She suspected he wasn't satisfied, but the way he told her and showed her was more awful than any words he said. He even described the differences between her and this other woman. She was broken, and it pained me to see someone so distraught. So, I took her back to her home, put her to bed, and left my number and a note to call me in the morning."
    The clicking of my camera stopped as he said the last few sentences. The emotion I could hear in his voice for his fiancé made my chest ache.
    "She called me a few days later saying she was sorry she didn't call the day after. I suppose she was too embarrassed with how she acted and spilling her guts to a complete stranger. I didn't bother me to be the one to listen, so I offered to take her out for coffee.
    "Addison was always fun and outgoing. Her modeling career took off which lead her to spend some time traveling the world. I thought it was good for her to get away from the things she was comfortable with to experience new ones.
    "We talked almost every day, and she would go on about the places she saw and people she met. It made me miss her and the things we did when she was home."
    His last sentence almost did me in. I couldn't say anything because if I did, I would just start crying. There was no way I was going to get emotional when I'm finally finding out more about him.
    "The weeks leading up to my business trip in Tampa, I debated proposing. Each time I thought about it, my doubt would steer me away from it."
    "Why didn't you propose before you met me?"
    He let out a small laugh and slid his hands down the front of his pants. "You see my mother and father got married right out of high school. They thought they were so in love and couldn't wait to start a family. She tried for months to get pregnant. That's when their marriage started to crumble. Her need for children overcame her love for my father. When she finally became pregnant with me and my brother, the bond was already broken beyond repair with my father.
    "Raising twin boys on your own is considerably difficult especially when your own family feels that divorce is a sin."
    My heart was breaking. With what his mother went through and his fiancé's past, it's hard for my heart not to ache for this man.
    I put the camera back in its

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