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the Earth. We are all connected to the Earth, are a part of it, which means we all have power inside of us.”
    “So you do believe that people can have powers?”
    “The degree of power varies from person to person, depending on how attuned they are to the forces around and inside them. But we’re all a little psychic, a little telekinetic, a little telepathic, and...I’m freaking you out, aren’t I? I bet you’re thinking I’m just a nut after all.”
    “Not at all. I’m actually very curious about Wicca...or the Earth Religion. Maybe we could discuss it sometime.”
    “I’d like that,” Penelope said with a smile. She leaned over the counter and her expression became more serious and more focused. “I realize we’ve only known each other a short time, but sometimes I feel like you coming to do your work-study here was more than coincidence.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Just that I feel we could learn a lot from each other. Or maybe I feel that way just because you’re one of the few people on this campus who doesn’t treat me like a total freak.”
    “Well, I guess us freaks have to stick together.”
    Penelope reached out and stroked Karen’s cheek. “You’re not a freak. You’re a lovely young woman who’s about to blossom.”
    “For the record, I don’t think you’re a freak either. You’re a good friend.”
    “Thanks, I feel the same. Now get out of here, your shift is over.”
    With a smile and a wave, Karen left the library and started across campus toward her dorm. The day was bright and mild, just a faint chill in the breeze that brushed her skin. Autumn in South Carolina was definitely more pleasant than autumn in West Virginia, and she suspected winter would be even more so. She’d heard that some winters it didn’t even snow here.
    As she walked, passing guys playing Frisbee in the quad, girls lounging on blankets trying to be noticed by the guys, she idly stroked the bracelet Penelope had given her. The conversation she’d had with the librarian had been sweet but also...well, she found herself wondering if Penelope might be a lesbian. The woman wore no wedding ring and had never spoken of a boyfriend, not even of the “ex” variety.
    Not that it mattered to Karen. She and her best friend Brittany had even made out once junior year of high school when they’d been blitzed on peach Schnapps Brittany’s older cousin had scored for them. Of course, Brittany denied any memory of the incident. And Karen didn’t consider herself gay or even bi, but she thought people made too big a deal about sexuality anyway.
    Gay or not, Penelope was a nice lady, and Karen had been telling the truth when she said she considered the woman a good friend. Karen definitely wanted to talk more with the librarian about the Earth Religion, as she called it.
    Rummaging through the large bag covered with stickers and buttons she carried in lieu of a purse, Karen found her keycard and let herself into the dorm building. On her way to the room she shared with Brittany on the third floor, she passed several girls on their way down. None of them spoke to her, but Karen didn’t mind. She hadn’t come to college to be popular; she’d come to get an education. It didn’t bother her that her only friend on campus was the school librarian...well, and Brittany.
    As Karen made her way down the third-floor hall, her pace slowed. The blaring music she heard could have been coming from any room...but she knew it was coming from hers.  A whole diverse spectrum of music out there waiting to be listened to, and Brittany chose to listen to nothing but Taylor Swift. Literally, on a nonstop loop. Though it wasn’t her type of music, Karen hadn’t really minded the young country singer at first. At least, not until she’d been subjected to it pretty much 24/7.
    Pausing outside her door, Karen took a deep breath then let herself in. Brittany was in only her bra and panties, standing in front of her closet, staring in

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