Double or Nothing

Double or Nothing by N.J. Walters

Book: Double or Nothing by N.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
Tags: Erótica
other evening up as a one-night stand brought on by grief and stress. But she knew them both, knew what kind of men they were—honest, hard-working and fiercely loyal.
    Memories of the past, of the hours they’d spent together, having adventures and getting into trouble the way kids did, filled her waking hours. She’d had a wonderful childhood, had spent long summer afternoons riding the land with Remy and Wes. But that had changed about the time she turned fifteen. A new tension had entered their relationship, which she now recognized as sexual. Now the past and the present were mixed together, making it difficult for her to sort out her feelings for both men.
    She grabbed her phone when it rang again. “Hello.”
    “Hey, sugar.”
    Her fingers tightened around her phone. “Hey, Wes.”
    “How are you doing today?” He always asked her that. And unlike many people who asked that question, she knew that he really wanted to know.
    She sank down onto her father’s desk chair and stared blindly at the mountain of paperwork there. “It’s slow going, but I’m getting there.” She rubbed her free hand over her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.
    “That’s not what I asked you.”
    She sighed and leaned back, resting her head against the thick leather headrest. “I’m doing okay.” Which wasn’t really a lie, but not the whole truth either. “The hands have all worked here for years so they know what to do without me telling them so I don’t have to worry about the day-to-day operation.”
    The silence on the other end was deafening. Cherry knew what he was doing. Waiting her out so she’d tell him something. She bit her bottom lip to keep from pouring out all her concerns.
    “You know, one or both of us would come over to help you. You don’t have to do this alone.” The kindness and caring in his tone brought tears to her eyes.
    “I know,” she whispered. Yet she felt as if she needed to do this alone. She sat up and pulled herself together. “I’m going to see the lawyer and the real estate agent today. Since you and Remy already told him how much of the land you wanted the papers should be ready to sign in a day or so.”
    “That’s fine, sugar. You just let us know when.” She could sense Wes’ growing frustration. “You’re going back to Boston, aren’t you?”
    “I have to.” Her stomach twisted into knots at the thought. “My work and the life I’ve built are there.” Those words were cold and brought no comfort.
    “You could work from here. There are plenty of spare rooms at the house you could use as an office. Hell, if you want your own separate space, we’ll build you a damn studio.”
    “Wes—” she began, but was swiftly cut off.
    “No, Cherry. I want you here with us. It can work.”
    “I just don’t know.” How she longed to feel his arms around her, hugging her. And that was part of the problem. She had to figure this out on her own, had to decide without all the sexual feelings clouding her mind. There was more to a relationship than what went on in the bedroom.
    “Think about it.”
    “I will,” she promised. It was an easy promise to make. It was all she thought about these days. That and settling her father’s estate.
    “Any word on a buyer for the house and the rest of the land?”
    Cherry stared at the sheaf of papers in front of her and inhaled deeply. The scents of leather were tinged with the cologne her father had favored. God, she missed him. “Yeah. I got lucky. There’s some guy from up north looking to retire and wants to own a ranch. He’s coming out later today to look at the place.”
    “You want me to come over so you don’t have to deal with him?”
    Again, it would be so easy to say yes. “No, but thanks. Look, I gotta go.” It was either that or she’d start crying.
    “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. You take care of yourself and call if you need me.” His low tone was intimate and soothed her.
    “I will.” She ended the call

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