rear view mirror, kept on driving and Ryker was close behind
    Thena opened
one of the sandwiches handed half to Ryker and she took half, then
opened the chips and stuck one in Ryker’s mouth. After they ate she
fed him chocolates all the cream filled ones she ate the ones with
nuts and cherry’s. Ryker ended up with more chocolate then she did,
but she was having fun feeding him.
    Ryker saw Zand
slow down and then pulled over; he figured they had half an hour
more or less to go before reaching there destination. So he pulled
over as well when Zand pulled off someone came out of the woods on
the other side walked up to Zand’s vehicle they had some
conversation. Zand stepped out of his vehicle and Zand and the man
came to his window. Ryker opened the door and stepped out.
    Zand smiled,
“Storm this is the friend I told you about Ryker and his mate in
the vehicle is Dorthena, call her Thena. Ryker this is my alpha
    Storm put out
his hand to Ryker and smiled. Ryker took his hand in greeting
shaking it firmly. Storm smiled, “You have some trouble and I have
a cabin you can use for as long as you need it. Storm leaned down
and looked into the vehicle, “hello Thena I am Storm Walker. Thena
smiled at Storm and thought wow much man like Ryker. Both men were
over six feet with Ryker half an inch more. Both had black hair and
blue eyes, with Storms much darker then Ryker’s. Ryker also had a
day’s growth of beard on his face and Storm was clean shaving.
Thena decided she would ask Ryker to keep a days growth it made him
really handsome looking and she desired him to the core of her
    Ryker, Zand
and Storm stood talking along side the road and Thena was getting
warm again and she needed attention, she bit her lip, then growled
the men leaned over and looked at her, Storm smiled, “I think your
mate needs some attention Ryker and the sooner the better for her,”
he said to Ryker. “Zand you had better show them the cabin it is
twenty minutes from here. I will see you Zand back at the alpha
house, Alexis and the pups are there with Wind they had been out
shopping today for the pups.”
    Stormed moved
off the road and thought with a smile the times Wind had been in
heat it was exciting, thrilling, and a lot of work well worth it.
He didn’t get out of bed for the first heat at all. The second heat
was not as bad as the first but almost.
    Zand walked up
to his vehicle and got in Ryker started the SUV up as he did he
noticed Storm shift down into a wolf and took off running. He
smiled to himself he wanted to do the same thing.
    Ryker was
trying to drove down the second back road and not get lost by
making a mental note of where he was. Thena was perspiring and was
hot again. She was right in the middle of her second day of heat
and this would be next to the worse day for her. The sun was up and
he was tired from driving, but knew he had to take care of Thena
first once they got to the cabin.
    Ryker drove
another fifteen minutes made a couple more turns and was now
driving down a path. Suddenly it turned to the right and their sat
a brand new cabin never been used. Zand pulled his vehicle around
in a circle got out handed the keys to Ryker, “see you in a couple
of days everything you need is in there.”
    The cabin was
made of cedar logs, cedar shakes on the roof, large glass windows
it looked like a cabin he saw in Switzerland years ago.
    Zand got into
his truck and drove out. Ryker looked at Thena and she had pulled
off her Pj’s bottoms and had her arms out to Ryker, he walked up to
her and kissed her. After an hour of driving his shaft into her
wolf style she seemed contented for the moment. Ryker had to admit
he was really getting into enjoying this mating heat. It made him
larger, harder, and crazier for Thena.
    Ryker started
taking things out of the vehicle with Thena’s help and finally had
everything in the cabin. The cabin had a large living room, kitchen
off to the right it was large and

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