Doris O'Connor
Damn, she was
beautiful when she was all fired up, but she had been crying. He
could tell by the red-rimmed eyes, and she had lost weight, too.
Damn it. Richard had said she was a mess.
    “ Take your foot out of my door,
Giovanni, before I call the police and have you
    “ To reach your phone, you’d have to
abandon the door, and by the time you reach it I’ll be in
    Alex had to smile when Kitty closed her eyes,
screwing up her little freckled nose, to all intents and purposes
praying for patience. It was a gesture he remembered well, and bang
there went another punch to his gut.
    “ Damn it, Alex, I have nothing to
say to you. And you can’t possibly have anything else left to
accuse me of… so … leave, will you?”
    Her voice broke on the last few words, and one
hand went up to wipe furiously at her wet eyes.
    And those punches kept on coming.
    “ Kitty, I’m not here to fight;
truly I’m not. Please let me in” He reached out to put a hand on
the white knuckled one on her door, making Kitty gasp. She snatched
her hand away, and Alex wasted no time stepping through the door.
The vase Kitty threw at his head missed and hit the door instead. Thank the heavens for fast reflexes.
    Kitty stamped her foot in frustration. She
wanted to scream and shout and throw more things. What the hell was
he doing here? And why did her treacherous body still react to him
in just the same way? The shock she’d felt at his touch on her hand
had been almost painful. He watched her warily now from his
position by the front door, surrounded by shards of
    “ I can appreciate that you may want
to throw things at me right now, and I probably deserve that; but
it makes one hell of a mess.”
    Noah’s lopsided smile was on his face, and
Kitty had to sit down. She couldn’t do this.
    “ What the hell do you want,
    “ To mend bridges, to see my son, to
see you—”
    “ Your son is he now? Noah is mine,
damn it, and I have no intention of sharing him with anyone, least
of all you. The last conversation we had face to face you said what
exactly? Oh yes, how could he be mine? After all, I’m just a whore
who can’t keep the fathers of her baby straight.” Her voice dripped
with all the contempt and hurt she felt right now, and she
resolutely blinked the tears away. “Now you have a piece of paper
saying he’s yours, suddenly you want him. If you think that I will
ever let you take him away from me, you really don’t know me at
all. I am all he knows, Alex. How dare you think you can just sweep
in and take him away from me!”
    “ I have no intention of taking him
away from you, Kitty, but hell, he’s my son. He‘s my son!”
    Alex sat down with a thump, his head in his
hands before he looked up. His blue eyes were so full of pain that
it hurt to look at them, and there was a shimmer of unshed tears.
The sharp stab of regret had her almost reaching out to him. He
wants to take away your son. Remember that, girl, and don’t fall
for the act again.
    She thought of the conversation she’d had with
her solicitor earlier on today to help her find her backbone, and
her voice was satisfyingly cold when she retorted. ”So you didn’t
want to know four years ago when I rang you and—” She blinked at
Alex’s furious growl and took a step away from him.
    “ Kitty, so help me, I don’t know
what happened. So you rang me, once. Say I believe you, why in the
all that’s holy didn’t you try harder? Didn’t I deserve that much?
Did you think so little of me, that you thought I wouldn’t want to
know my own flesh and blood?”
    His blue eyes bored into her, and Kitty
flinched, that little voice screaming at her that he was
    “ I’m sorry. I couldn’t, I just
    Silence settled between them, and Kitty’s
heart clenched painfully. Alex looked devastated. He ran one hand
through his hair and swore. A long furious string of Italian swear
words, and Kitty panicked at

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