Don’t Deny Me: Part Two

Don’t Deny Me: Part Two by Megan Hart

Book: Don’t Deny Me: Part Two by Megan Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Hart
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Alice Clark had no idea how many angels could dance on the head of a pin, but she did know she couldn’t squeeze even a single one into her weekend bag. She’d be lucky if the bag’s zipper didn’t bust open. A weekend at Crane Lake in the summer meant bikini, sunscreen, flip-flops, nightgown, and a couple of cute dresses. A book or four. Minimal toiletries. But at the last minute she’d shoved a pair of jeans and some socks along with an oversized sweatshirt into the bag, which was the tiniest bit too small to hold everything she wanted to bring. Last year she’d been caught chilly when a summer storm hit, and Alice believed in being prepared.
    She didn’t know much about angels, but heaven must’ve been smiling on her because she managed to zip the bag and get it into the trunk of her car without incident. She even made it to work on time. The rest of the day, though, went quickly to crap.
    “I’ll be there,” she promised Jay, phone cradled to her shoulder while she typed as fast as she could. “Have the wine ready.”
    “As if I wouldn’t? Why didn’t you take today off?” Jay’s voice sounded muffled for a second. “You’re going to get there late, and you’ll have to take the crappy bedroom.”
    Alice snorted soft laughter and rolled her eyes. “What, you won’t let me share with you this time?”
    She’d been half joking, but Jay’s silence gave her pause. She stopped working and twirled in her chair. The last trip to Bernie’s, she and Jay had shared the loft room he always snagged because it had a small, private balcony where he could go to smoke. The double bed had been too small for two, especially if they weren’t lovers, which she and Jay of course had never been. She didn’t want to share a room with him, but the fact he wasn’t offering meant something important.
    “I … invited someone along.”
    “Yeah, you told me you had a new friend. Mick, you said his name was.”
    Another beat of silence. “No, another friend. He’s … special.”
    Jay hadn’t had a boyfriend in about eight months. His last breakup had been bad, right around the same time as hers. They’d both vowed off men for a while.
    “What’s his name?”
    “Not the guy from the club!”
    “The guy from the club,” Jay admitted. “I know. It’s trashy. But …”
    “It can’t be that trashy if you’re bringing him to Bernie’s for the weekend. Unless you’re trying to get rid of him, thinking we’ll scare him away.” She grinned.
    Jay laughed. “You might anyway.”
    “We’ll be extra super nice to him. You know that.”
    “Yeah. That’s what might scare him away.” Jay made another muffled noise. “Hey, gotta run. Bernie and Cookie just got back from the grocery store and I promised I’d help with the marinade. Or something, I thought it was marinade but who knows, I might’ve agreed to anything. Get here! I miss the hell out of you.”
    “Me too. I’ll be there by dinner time.” She made kissy noises into the phone and hung up, then spun her chair another time or two, thinking of the weekend ahead.
    Nothing but sunshine, booze, food, and relaxing. She was so ready for it. Work had been brutal over the past month or so, somehow made more indignantly awful because the weather had been so stinking hot. Not even the end of June yet, and already there’d been heat warnings all over the place. She couldn’t wait to get to the lake house.
    She’d meant to leave work at noon and be on the road by one, get to Bernie’s place in Northern Virginia by three or four at the latest, but she ought to have known better. Getting out on a Friday was never easy, especially not when she was taking Monday off. Everyone in the world had the same idea about avoiding traffic of course, and she’d needed to stop for gas and an extra-large coffee to pep her up since she’d been up until past midnight packing and taking care of all the stuff she always managed to wait until the last

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