Don't Close Your Eyes

Don't Close Your Eyes by Lynessa James

Book: Don't Close Your Eyes by Lynessa James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynessa James
Was he just being his silly rockstar still?  That had to be it, and I was just the lucky contestant in the audience, right? 
    Oh, that man was insufferable!  I clapped along with the rest of the audience, while I beamed in total adoration, to be honest.  This was incredible !  It was a very, very fun song, and I couldn't get the stupid smile off of my face.  My cheeks hurt from smiling so big.  Gosh, he was hot.  He put so much passion into it, and I knew his voice was going to be really raspy for the rest of the night from all that screaming, just the way I like it...  He flipped his hair out of his face while he held the mic on the stand, then pulled it again to dance around the stage like an idiot.  He was not afraid to be himself, and he knew it would make me laugh.  It was fantastic!  I covered my face in my hands since it was almost too much to handle because he was so damn silly, hot, hell what else?  Take your pick!  I pulled my hands away so I could make some more drinks and sing along.  Finally, Jase fell to his knees and pointed to me once more as he belted those last lyrics, and they slammed the song to a close.  I had to throw my hands over my face again!  I couldn’t look. 
    "Kinsley James you better look at that man!  He just asked you a question if you ask me," Kayleigh was in my ear wickedly reasoning with me.
    "It was just a song.  He doesn't see me like that, I'm sure.  You know how flirty that man is," I reasoned realistically.
    "Oh, yeah, he isn’t into you at all," she agreed as she watched him get up off the stage and smile foolishly at me.  "And I am in no way attracted to that ugly ass Mel over there, either."
    Mel was smokin’ hot!  "Alright, point taken, and me neither," I joked.
    We made more drinks while Jase told the girl onstage she could do one more and made her entire week.  The guys nodded to him as he told them what he wanted.  She nodded that she could do it.  "Alright, this song is for the hot, little, redheaded bartender," Jase told the crowd. 
    I had to laugh as I shook my head.  What would it be this time?  Another very upbeat song.  Buckcherry.  “Next To You.”  Once again the whole band worked the stage and enjoyed the music Jase was pulling for his little stunt.   The guys both watched me as I made drinks while they totally rocked out.  I laughed every time I looked up there.  I felt very flattered, and so many customers told me what a lucky girl I was.  Others asked me how long I had been seeing Jase and were shocked when I told them I wasn't.  Women got onto me for having not taken advantage of him, men asked me out instead.   Either way, this was way more attention than I was used to personally getting, and Jase knew all the while.  I could care less because I was enjoying every minute of this man’s bold behavior for the time being.
    When the song ended the crowd chanted for more.  More for me ?  Great!  He looked like he was already working on it.  I stood back with my hand on my hip, holding my towel, and mouthing a silent thank you to him.  He nodded and went to the mic as he set some water down on the stage.  "Oh, you want more?  Alright, as we do at least once, it's time to kick it back.  This one goes out to my little sister's best friend," he said with a breathless smile while Keane played with his guitar for a moment.  Jase told the girl she could leave and thanked her for her help.  He kissed her on the cheek, and she fluttered away.  The girls she had beat to get up there all mean mugged her.  She beamed happily.  Jase guided the band.  Mel hit the drums, and Keane began to play the hell out of his guitar in a very, very impressive solo.  I sighed and put my hand over my face, embarrassed.  I immediately recognized Van Halen's “You Really Got Me” eruption.  The bar stayed silent and watched in awe, as did I, as we marveled at Keane's impressive skills.  That could not be that easy, surely.  He was so

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