Dominion (Alpha Domain #1)

Dominion (Alpha Domain #1) by Arabella Abbing

Book: Dominion (Alpha Domain #1) by Arabella Abbing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Abbing
get back to him. I knew he still harbored feelings for me—it was blatantly obvious—but there was something holding me back from making a move. And I didn’t trust John enough yet to not spill the beans if I did admit to it.
    So, I had very few options and none of them were desirable. I knew lying would get me nowhere, the truth would mortify me, so all that was left was—
    I stood up abruptly and yanked down my strapless dress before I lost my nerve.
    It was totally worth the embarrassment to see the sheer look of surprise and lust wash over John’s face like a tidal wave. My entire body was on fire as his eyes frantically roamed over every inch as if I was going to disappear at any moment. I’d never felt such a rush of feminine power before and it made goosebumps prickle my skin and my folds get slick with desire.
    His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he slowly stood up. He appeared to be in a trance as he made his way around the table, never once removing his eyes from me. He managed not to bump into anything and I swallowed hard when he stopped directly in front of me.
    As his hand moved slowly into the air to reach out towards me, my nipples tightened and my breathing became erratic. I let my eyes drift closed as I waited for his touch on my overheated skin.
    But it never came.
    Instead, I heard a growl from the doorway of the kitchen.
    My eyes flew open and I turned my head, shocked to see Allen standing there with his hands tightly balled into fists by his sides.
    John took a step back and raised his hands in the air, clearing his throat before he croaked out, “It’s not what it looks like, Allen.”
    But Allen either didn’t hear him or he didn’t care. Because before I could even process what was happening, he lunged at John with a feral snarl.

Chapter Eleven
    “ Y ou fucking promised !” I shouted as I wrapped my hands around John’s neck and lightly squeezed.
    Regardless of how it might have appeared, I wasn’t totally fucking insane. I was in a right enough mind to know just how far I could go without actually hurting John, even though a part of me did want to tear him limb from limb.
    “It’s not—I can explain!” he managed to hoarsely shout.
    I wasn’t squeezing hard enough to choke him out, but it was enough to make the use of his windpipe quite challenging. The most confusing part of this was I couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t fought me back.
    Hell, he hadn’t even attempted to defend himself when I tackled him to the floor, straddled his chest, and proceeded to strangle him.
    Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe it really wasn’t what it looked like.
    All I knew for sure was that Amber was naked—her dress around her ankles—and I saw John reaching for her. True, he wasn’t touching her yet , but it was still enough to send me into a fit of rage.
    It was also enough to make my dick instantly hard, which was making straddling John far more awkward than it should have been.
    “Let me up,” he croaked out and for whatever reason, I decided to listen.
    I pulled myself off the floor and felt a moment of guilt, but resisted the urge to offer him a hand up. I was still pissed and the awkwardness we both felt from our mutual hard-ons was making it much worse.
    Amber had pulled her dress back up and was clutching it to her chest, looking between the two of us with wide eyes.
    “Allen, it was just a game.”
    “A game?” I asked, looking at John for answers.
    “Yeah. Truth or truth. If either of us refused to answer, we had to get naked,” he said, his voice slightly scratchy. “Obviously Amber didn’t want to answer my last question.”
    John winked at Amber and I turned to watch a crimson blush spread across her cheeks.
    “Shut up, John.”
    “Sweetheart, you not answering was all the confirmation I needed. You should’ve just admitted it.”
    “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” I demanded, not liking the way I was so obviously out of

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