Dom for Sale

Dom for Sale by Christine d'Abo

Book: Dom for Sale by Christine d'Abo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine d'Abo
Tags: Erótica
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Chapter One
    I’m still not entirely sure what possessed me to say yes when Connie asked me to attend the charity auction at her BDSM club. I mean, this was all so new to me still and I really didn’t have a fucking clue about the lifestyle or if I actually wanted what I thought I wanted. But all of the proceeds were going to support a suicide hotline, which she damn well knew I would say yes to. And really, it was the best chance I had to give this a go, yank my fantasies into the daylight. Or spotlight, in this particular instance.
    Buy a Dom for a night.
    Rent a man and get him to take control in the bedroom, all in the safe confines of a club with people who knew what they were doing.
    A hard chance to pass up.
    And yet, I had to question myself about what the hell was I thinking. It’s not like I knew who any of these people were, or what was truly expected of me. How could I honestly walk in there and offer myself up like the proverbial lamb to a man whom I didn’t know the first thing about? The plan in my head was to go and watch. What harm was there in watching?
    But in typical Connie fashion, she wasn’t about to let me sit on the sidelines. I should have anticipated my best friend’s need to meddle.
    Connie had told me there wasn’t a dress code. No, you don’t have to get all fancy. Not really. Go as you are and you’ll be fine. Just shave and pluck, put on some of that nice jasmine-vanilla cream of yours and the men will eat you up. Maybe wear the new Diesel jeans, they show off your ass. I have no doubt she thought she was being comforting, supportive even. What she did was make me even more nervous about going than I was in the first place.
    I did put on the Diesels and a midnight-blue corset I’d picked up a few months ago. The coloring went well with my blonde hair and pulled in my slightly thick waist. I hoped the outfit would be enough for me to blend into the crowd. I didn’t want to stick out like the obvious newbie I was. Connie had emerged from her room wearing PVC and stilettos high enough to have my calves screaming for relief. She looked like a Dom’s wet dream. I’m surprised Stephen let her out in public without him, looking like that. It also served to remind me how completely out of my element I was about to be.
    Before I’d been able to turn tail and hide in a corner of our apartment, she grabbed my arm and hauled me to the club.
    Arriving at the Tail Whip was a bit of a shock to the system. There were lines and lists and bouncers to get through first. The club was closed to all but members and guests, which I found reassuring. Even with our names on the list and our invitation in hand, I have to say the third degree that the bouncer put us through would have chased me away under normal circumstances.
    Not that it killed my nervous excitement in the least.
    The club building was pretty much a converted warehouse. The rafters were exposed and long chains dangled lights from their ends. The walls were concrete blocks, painted in an array of blues, grays and blacks. I knew there wasn’t any alcohol served, but I was surprised to still see a bar tucked off in the corner. The main area had a large stage, and it looked like the organizers had thrown up some makeshift curtains to hide the participants.
    The majority of the patrons had on even less than Connie. You’d think it was the people in the crowd up for bid and not those on the stage. I would have fit in better if I’d hauled off my corset and put electrical tape over my nipples like that woman over there. Damn, that was going to hurt coming off. Maybe.
    “You’re a bitch,” I hissed as she pulled me toward the front. “I look like an idiot.”
    “You look fine, Liz. It’s not like you’re a member yet. Besides, some of the Doms like the understated image. More than a few, in fact.” I should have known then that she’d been planning something. She had that wild look in her eyes that she’d get when Stephen was

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