
Divined by Emily Wibberley

Book: Divined by Emily Wibberley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Wibberley
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you heard the rumors about Cearo’s prophets?” he asked as he began to unknot the ties at the front of his robe.
    “Ixie mentioned some believed the prophets to have strange magics. But she said there was no real evidence of truth.”
    He slid off the sleeve of his robe, exposing his slender arm. Clio leaned in. On the inside of his arm, just above his elbow, was a small circle made of dozens of interconnected swirls.
    “What is this?” Clio whispered, tracing the pattern and thinking of the bald woman’s tattoos on her scalp. In many ways, the markings were similar, but Ealis’ didn’t look like it had been pressed into his skin. It was too seamless with the rest of him, whereas the woman’s was raised and textured.
    “The city’s prophets are born with it. Each of us bear something different relating to whichever ability we possess.”
    “Ability?” Clio’s eyes met his.
    “When I touch someone’s blood, I’m given a glimpse inside their mind. I can’t control it, and I certainly don’t learn every secret or lie within the person’s heart, but I get a sense of their truest self. The longer I touch their blood, the more I learn.”
    “That’s why you’re a healer.”
    “Coincidentally, I like healing. And I don’t make an effort to see into each person I tend. But, sometimes, it’s useful. And when I touched your blood, I saw what you were. But I also saw you didn’t want to be this.”
    “You knew I was lying the whole time.” Clio felt her face grow red with shame.
    “I’m not often concerned with lies. I saw your intent, and that was enough. If I had thought you a threat to my city, I would not have allowed you to stay.”
    “I can’t believe it,” Clio said, her mouth slack. “All this time, Ixie thought you careless for spending so much time with me as I was healing, but you were really trying to learn more about me, weren’t you?”
    A small smile parted his lips. “I’ll admit, I was a bit concerned when I first saw what you were. It took a couple visits before I could feel certain you weren’t a threat to my people.”
    Clio shook her head. “When Ixie finds out—” She stopped. She wouldn’t get the chance to tell Ixie. The realization sucked the air from Clio’s lungs. “Could you tell me more about these marks?” she asked, pushing Ixie from her mind.
    Ealis hesitated, but whether he sensed something was wrong or not, he allowed Clio to change the subject. “The marks appear on six men or women each generation, and they go on to serve on the council. We don’t know exactly how it works, but some believe it a relic from some ancient Deity’s blessing.”
    “The woman who attacked me, she had something like this but it didn’t look like she was born with it. Have you heard of anyone like that?”
    He shook his head. “I haven’t. But you said she was sent by a Deity? Perhaps he gave her the markings.”
    It made sense. The woman had been unnaturally strong. A shudder traveled down Clio’s spine. The Deities had so many ways of controlling mortals, there was no saying what kinds of abilities the woman had been given in exchange for serving this Deity.
    Clio pulled the stiff parchment out from her robes. “Will you help me find out who’s behind this?”

    Ealis led her to the back of the temple where a small staircase descended down under the ground.
    “The mark looks familiar. I can’t remember where I’ve seen it but I feel certain we will find it here. The priests who originally built this temple also constructed a large hidden library. They didn’t allow common folk to come down here, but over the years, the council has made it so knowledge is free to whomever would seek it. Of course, not many do,” he added with a frown as they reached the last step.
    The walls around them were stone. In some places vines and roots had broken through and hung green and watery over the vast open space. Great basins filled with flames lit the cavern, casting light on

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