Divine Cruelty

Divine Cruelty by Lee Ash Page A

Book: Divine Cruelty by Lee Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Ash
Tags: BDSM, Erotic Fiction
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eruptions, a spectacular firework display, began to explode in the darkness.
    'You. Tug on those chains,' he snapped.
    Rachel didn't have to open her eyes to know he was being obeyed. The sensitive flesh around her piercings was subjected to the familiar torment of being stretched and she grimaced around a cry of pure pleasure.
    He demanded someone remove the vibrator from her sex and it was snatched away to leave a hollow empty vacuum. Perversely, even though it was gone, the inner muscles of her sex continued to buzz as though the length still filled her.
    She resisted the impending orgasm, partly because Master Bernard hadn't given her permission and partly because she didn't think she deserved the release. Her fears for Master Vince - her worries for his business now he was dealing with Pearl - could all be blamed on her single deception. Until she had earned his forgiveness for misleading him, she didn't think she would be able to casually enjoy any torment ever again. Taking solace from the lesson she had learnt, chasing any mental distraction that would help her delay the moment of climax, Rachel silently reasserted her vow that she would never lie to her master again.
    'Aren't you licking her properly?' Master Bernard demanded.
    If her teeth hadn't been clenched together, and if she had felt capable of anything more than a carnal, animal grunt, Rachel could have told him his slave was doing a marvellous job of licking between her legs. Since the vibrator had been pulled away her clitoris had been expertly sucked and lapped by a woman who knew how to work around the nuisance of a genital piercing. Her labia were sodden with a combination of saliva and copious juices and the effort of resisting her climax was almost proving unbearable.
    'You're fighting me, aren't you Rachel?'
    The softly spoken question was whispered into her ear.
    She hadn't realised he had moved so close but, as soon as she knew he was on the bed beside her she turned her face to meet his. Their mouths met in a glorious exploration, his tongue penetrating her lips as she hungrily tasted him. The slaves continued to work on her; pushing the vibrators deeper; sucking and licking on her clitoris and nipples; and tugging relentlessly on her chains. But it was the passion of the kiss that finally drove her beyond the brink.
    Master Bernard placed a hand against her cheek - a subtle gesture that could have been asexual on any other occasion - and the explosion of joy flooded through her. She screamed, writhing maniacally on the bed while loving and loathing the sensations that continued to tear her body.
    He barked a handful of instructions in his native tongue and, although Rachel didn't understand a word, she guessed he was telling some of his charges to desist. As he pressed closer she wondered if he was going to mount her. The idea was darkly exciting because, although she had spent a full week with him, he had resisted the temptation to use her properly. She had sucked his cock a dozen times or more, and he had thrashed her and used her anus, but she had yet to feel the supreme pleasure of having his climax pulse into her sex.
    Reaching down for his erection she guided him to the heat of her cleft with one shaking hand. He felt eager and hard, already on the verge of his own orgasm, and she refrained from squeezing him for fear that he might come before she could get him inside. As soon as his glans was against her pussy lips she bucked her hips forward and was met by his sudden plunge inside.
    His thickness spread her wide.
    The vibrators in her anus added to the experience, making her sex tighter and more sensitive. She felt as though she was being ridden by a huge shaft and another orgasm exploded from her hole. Clenching her hands into fists, embracing him as though he was a lover and not a master, she wrapped her legs around his back and pulled herself onto him.
    'You greedy little

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