
Dissonance by Stephen Orr

Book: Dissonance by Stephen Orr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Orr
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and perhaps another teacher if he’s less or more good, but as a rule generally always I will trust Mr Carter.
    Believe me, you are a committed parent. Many of my students complain about late trains and the like, but you are another thing altogether.
    Erwin looked at his mother. His mouth was wide open and he looked like he’d just seen the two pickle ladies take off their clothes and dance naked on their table. ‘When did you …?’
    â€˜I wrote to him, six weeks ago.’
    â€˜Who is he?’
    â€˜He is very good. Mr Carter recommended him.’
    â€˜What does it matter? Are you happy?’
    Erwin took a deep breath. ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘But … when are we going to Hamburg? For a holiday?’
    â€˜Don’t you see?’ she replied. ‘We’ll move there.’
    â€˜To live?’
    â€˜But we live here.’
    There was silence for a few moments.
    â€˜I thought you’d be happier,’ Madge said.
    â€˜I am … I just wasn’t expecting this. You should’ve told me.’
    His mother spoke loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. ‘We always knew, Erwin,’ she said. ‘We couldn’t stay in this place forever – not if you want to amount to something.’ A few people, including the picklers, looked at her. She raised her head and her voice without smiling. ‘What are your options here? Nothing. It’s a backwater.’
    â€˜I suppose … it’ll be wonderful,’ Erwin said.
    â€˜A few hours by train and we’ll be in France, Prague.’
    â€˜I could give concerts.’
    â€˜Exactly. You’ll be in with the best. And you’ll know you’re measuring up.’
    â€˜Yes, I see,’ he whispered, becoming convinced. ‘And imagine – Germany!’
    â€˜One thing leads to another, Erwin.’ She looked around. ‘We’re victims of fate. Wrong time, wrong place. But we can fix that. See, this is why all that practise was so important. Sight unseen, Erwin. How’s that?’
    â€˜Because of Mr Carter?’
    â€˜No, you.’
    â€˜And you, Mum.’
    â€˜No … you.’
    The Konservatorium has a man who organises lodgings for people. I have enclosed his information in this letter for your contact. Please write again when you are coming. I will have to work out where to put Erwin in my time.
    Erwin looked up. By now the letter was trembling in his hand. ‘What about money?’ he asked.
    â€˜I have a plan,’ Madge replied. ‘Don’t worry about money, it’s a minor point.’
    Minor, he wanted to ask. When everything we do is done to save a few pennies?
    â€˜And what about school?’
    â€˜Ha!’ she replied, throwing her head back. ‘You’ve had enough of that. Captain Cook and the Eureka Stockade. Making pottery and barbecue forks. What you really needed to know I could’ve taught you in twelve months.’
    Erwin didn’t need much persuading. ‘Sigmund Romberg – ’
    â€˜And Pythagoras. Ha!’
    â€˜And what about the house?’
    â€˜Already taken care of. I spoke to Mr Glaetzer, and he’s already found a tenant. Says they’d like to farm the place, if we agreed. See, rent, there’s money already.’
    â€˜But not enough.’
    â€˜I have a plan, plans. All you have to do is work at being good … better. The rest will take care of itself.’ She took his hand and squeezed it and laid it on the table. ‘Well,’ she said. ‘Can you see it?’
    â€˜I can.’
    â€˜And do you love your mother?’
    â€˜I do.’ And then he stood, and came around to her, and kissed her on the lips. ‘You were a terror to do this without telling me,’ he said.
    â€˜I wanted to be sure,’ she replied, as he sat down, as diners and

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