Dirty Little Secrets (Romantic Mystery) Book 1 in the J.J. Graves Series

Dirty Little Secrets (Romantic Mystery) Book 1 in the J.J. Graves Series by Liliana Hart Page B

Book: Dirty Little Secrets (Romantic Mystery) Book 1 in the J.J. Graves Series by Liliana Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liliana Hart
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looked brand new.” Just one more inconsistency to file away.
I felt a little sorry for Janette Taylor. Nothing could make your working relationship more awkward than knowing your boss was having sex less than twenty feet away from your desk with his patients. Gross .

Chapter Ten
    Jack slammed his fist against the dashboard, shoved his cell phone back in his shirt pocket and muttered out a curse. “I can’t find anyone at the District Attorney’s office or at the courthouse to get me a damned warrant.”
    I didn’t bother to remind Jack that it was Saturday and people did actually take the weekend off.
    “I’ll have to call them at home,” he said. “I want to know what’s in those files. And I want to know today.”
    “Me too,” I said. “And I bet a peach like Janette Taylor reads all the files, not just the ones of the people she dislikes. It would be tempting to know people’s darkest secrets.” I knew I would be tempted. I had a few secrets of my own I wouldn’t even share with Jack, much less a therapist.
    Jack sped through the snow-plowed streets toward Augusta General to see George Murphy. I hadn’t set foot inside the hospital since I’d turned in my resignation. I wasn’t looking forward to the visit.
    “Damn,” Jack said, looking at his watch. “I forgot all about the safe-deposit box. The bank closed at noon. You think we could get Dickey to open it up for us?” he asked.
    “Probably so.” Dickey was pretty laid back. He’d probably think it was cool to be needed during an investigation.
    “Well, if he doesn’t I’ll make sure that his wife accidentally gets a key to his hotel room when he has his nooner with his secretary.”
    Jack had a real vengeful streak. I’d always liked that about him.
    “So we know that Dr. Hides knew about the bruises and lied to us,” I said. “And we know Marie Petit and Janette Taylor are painting a totally different picture of Fiona than the one we knew. I’m starting to believe maybe Dr. Hides might be the one responsible for the bruises after all. He was the one who knew her best. Her desires and needs.”
    “Yeah, Dr. Hides is going to wish he’d never met me,” Jack said.
    “If he was the one putting those bruises on Fiona, then he’s in a whole lot more trouble than anything you could do to him.”
    “Don’t bet on it,” Jack said. “The funny thing is that I thought for sure all the stuff we found in the safe at the Murphy house had to have belonged to George. I’m starting to think it might have been hers all along.”
    “Well, she’s obviously been playing a role. She had all of us fooled. The sinner and the saint, depending on who you talk to. And what’s up with the second car? Where’s she keeping it?”
    “If she’s got a second life, then surely she has a second place to live. Hell, maybe she’s got multiple personalities. I can’t think of any other way to explain all this.”
    Jack pulled into the emergency entrance of the hospital and put the On Duty sign he’d brought with us onto the dashboard. I felt like I was in a race, Jack was moving so quickly through the hospital corridors. He was a man on a mission and had obviously gotten his second wind after talking with Janette Taylor. I, however, was bushed. I wasn’t cut out for police work. It was mostly boring and definitely tedious. I needed variety to spice up my life, something along the lines of Ben and Jerry’s.
    The guard who was stationed at George’s door snapped to attention when he saw Jack coming down the hallway.
    “Any trouble, Walters?” Jack asked.
    The poor guy was nervous as hell. He couldn’t have been much more than twenty. I guess I could see how Jack could be an intimidating force as an employer, but I was used to it. I probably would laugh in Jack’s face if he ever gave me one of those looks. But it was probably wise for the kid to be nervous. Laughing would only get him fired.
    “Everything’s fine, sir. He hasn’t been

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