Diluted Desire
that long life-altering walk down the aisle.  Sawyer savored this alone time with her sister, she knew once she got married, their chances of continuing to spend a lot of time together would become as rare as a forty-five year-old woman winning American Idol . 
    Her ten bridesmaids were clustered together on the other side of the room, chattering and laughing while putting on their finishing touches.  Sawyer chuckled at the image, she was finally having her fairytale wedding, the one she had been dreaming about ever since her mother had given her a wedding Barbie. 
    Sawyer agreed with her sister.  Then, “I can’t wait until tonight,” she shyly admitted to her sister. 
    “So you guys are finally going to do the do,” Campbell said.  “I don’t know how you held out so long, I would’ve gone crazy.”
    “Trust me, I almost did, but fortunately I had Steele, if I hadn’t, I would’ve dumped Walt a long time ago,” she revealed and Campbell snickered.  As soon as she and Walt decided that they wanted to abstain from sex until they were married, Sawyer had immediately gone out and bought a ten-inch dildo that she had named Steele and had used on a frequent basis. 
    While neither one was a virgin, Walt had a five-year-old daughter, Shelby.  And Sawyer had slept with more men than she could count, with most of those short-term relationships ending horribly.  She had found that as soon as they hit the sheets they either decided that things were moving too fast and they needed to slow things down, which really meant that they got what they wanted and was itching to leave or they just went MIA.  She was tired of both scenarios.  So she was more than willing to comply with his request.  Walt wasn’t like any man she had dated before, he treated her like a lady.
    “I spent a ton of money at Victoria’s Secret.  I got so much lingerie that it’ll fill up a suitcase.  And I ordered some stuff off the Internet…some freaky stuff,” she whispered, not that she needed to since the chattering from the bridesmaids provided enough noise that hearing anybody that wasn’t within arm’s length was impossible.
    Campbell chuckled.  “That’s a good idea, but I don’t think Walt will need all that.  All you have to do is show up and it’ll be a wrap.  Trust me I know.  I barely got dressed on my honeymoon, all I wore was a bathing suit and when it was time for dinner, I mean when we actually left the room, I threw on a sarong.” She smiled at the memory.
    Just then their cousin Moesha chose to stroll over and Sawyer tensed, bracing herself for Moesha’s onslaught, she didn’t know what it would be, but she knew it would be something, and she was right.  “So you’re finally gonna get fucked tonight, huh girl?”
    Sawyer gritted her teeth.  She had only asked Moesha to be in her wedding because their moms were each other’s favorite sister.  And she promised her mother that she’d include Moesha, no matter how uncouth she was.  “Yes, Walt and I are going to consummate our marriage, if that’s what you mean,” Sawyer answered.  She knew that her friends and relatives talked about her behind her back and she regretted the moment she had let them in on such an intimate matter of her relationship, but at the time it seemed like a good idea.
    “Damn girl.  You don’t have to talk like you’re at work surrounded by a bunch of White people.” She gestured to the other people in the room.  “It’s just family.  You can say it, you’re gonna get fucked tonight, that is if you’re doing it right,” she said with a snicker. 
    “Moesha Tamika Barnett watch your mouth!” Priscilla, Sawyer’s mother demanded and she shot her a grateful smile.  “This is a church and I will not have you disrespecting it with your potty mouth.”
    “Aw Auntie I was just telling it like it is, we all know what she and Walt are going to be doing.”
    Priscilla pressed her lips together and shook her head at

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