Diluted Desire
    “Clint?” she croaked.
    Clint shook his head.  “It’s over,” he said quietly and Violet dropped to her knees.
    “I do love you, but I don’t
you.  Good-bye Violet,” Clint said before stepping over his wife and walking out the door.
    Violet drew herself into a ball and howled.

Chapter 18
    Summer strolled into Sugah Cakes and found Clint working on a wedding cake.  “Oh, that’s pretty,” she gushed.  And it was.  The cake was antique white, with a quilted pattern, delicate piping and vibrant colored sugar paste flowers. 
    “Yeah, I’m almost done.  They’re a nice couple, I hope they make it,” Clint said wistfully and Summer remained silent.
    It was February and Clint had served Violet with divorce papers in January but she wasn’t leaving without a fight.  Fortunately, for him, she had insisted that they sign a pre-nup before they got married.  He had happily signed it because he had naively thought there wasn’t going to be any need for it.  Unfortunately, there was. 
    She alleged that she and her lawyer were going over everything with a fine tooth comb, but Clint knew that it was just a stalling tactic, Violet was hoping that he’d change his mind and reconcile with her.  That wasn’t going to happen.
    Recently he had made an appointment to see a therapist to figure out why he cheated on Violet and how to prevent it from happening again if and when he remarried.
    “Is there anything you want me to do for the Valentine’s Day party?” Summer asked breaking the silence.
    “I don’t know, you tell me
    Summer grinned.  She finally accepted the title and the bump in salary was pretty good too.  “I think we have everything under control,” she answered confidently.
    Violet strolled into her psychologist’s office and sat on the couch, she had been seeing her for the last month, with her help, Violet was beginning to see how she was sabotaging herself. 
    “How are you today Violet?” Dr. Larkowski asked.
    “A lot better than last week,” Violet responded.
    “That’s good, any progress is a positive step, no matter how insignificant you think it might be.  So let’s revisit your childhood, let’s talk about your emotionally absent father.”
    “Okay.”  Violet settled into the soft leather and started unburdening herself.
    Larkin wove her way through the crowd.  Big Thug, a multi-platinum selling rapper, had just opened a new restaurant in Atlanta and invited Atlanta’s local and international celebrities.  Larkin scoped out the crowd, there were many rich men in attendance.  She saw the one that she wanted; she snaked her way through the people and stopped in front of him.  “Hi, I’m Larkin,” she said, beaming at him.
    Thank you very much for choosing my work.
    This Isn’t Barbie’s Dream House - $.99
    Sawyer Longley, soon-to-be Sawyer Spector, looked up at her older sister Campbell.  “I can’t believe that Walt and I are finally getting married,” she said softly. 
    “Yep, and I can’t wait until it’s all over with, you’re driving me crazy,” Campbell lovingly scolded, while she inspected her sister.  With her hair pulled back into a sleek chignon, her makeup impeccably applied, and her ivory, curve hugging, wedding dress, she was beautiful.  She reminded Campbell of the exquisite Barbie dolls that her sister enjoyed playing with when they were little.  Sawyer loved Barbie so much that she had started a collection, so far over two hundred dolls filled her house.  “You weren’t quite a Bridezilla, but you did work my nerves.  And lucky you, today is going to be a perfect day for a wedding.  There’s nothing more beautiful than a May day in Savannah.”
    They were in the corner of what Sawyer had nicknamed the Holding Pen , the room that the church had set aside for bridal parties to use before they took

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