Diamonds and Toads: A Modern Fairy Tale
    Chas straightened, all ears.
    “It’s part of their family legend. Supposedly
they have a covenant of some kind with the creatures, or did back
in the Middle Ages. Of course, it’s just a tall tale, much like any
other family legend.”
    “Evidently, it’s not. Delilah’s money is
charmed, Dad. But more importantly, I was visited by the creature
in the wee hours of yesterday morning and she gave me a choice.
Essentially, I can either save our company or I can have Delilah,
but not both. I’ve got until midnight tonight to make my
    His father drank down the gin and tonic in
one long swallow before turning to him and placing his hands on
Chas’s shoulders. “You’ve been working too hard, son. You’re
confusing dreams with reality. But, I’ll tell you this: If it’s
truly a choice you must make between Delilah and the business, then
I’m going to say to you exactly what I said to you yesterday: You
backed a winner in her. The business will never be as important to
me as your happiness is.” He gave Chas a little shake. “Got it? So
go tell her.” Without waiting for a reply, he sauntered off toward
the ballroom.
    Chas’s pulse doubled in meter. For the first
time in months, his shoulders felt lighter and his future looked
brighter. He glanced at his watch. Ten forty. Plenty of
time. Oh. But he needed to get the ring from his Dad. He strode
across the carpeted floor toward the same doorway his father had
passed under a moment before. He’d already finished whistling the
first verse of Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend when a
small but determined hand grabbed hold of his arm and yanked him
around. Love flooded his heart. “Hey, D—”
    She yanked his palm up and dropped something
round and metallic into it. “Go to hell.”
    Before he could process an answer, she
stormed away from him, heading straight for the elevators. He
jogged after her. He knew without looking what she’d given him, and
why, and his gut churned. “Wait! Dee, let me explain!” He tossed
the ring away and sped faster, not caring what wagging tongues
would say come tomorrow.
    He saw her get into an elevator and turn to
face him. He began to run, but the doors started sliding shut
before he could reach them. “Dee!” he yelled, bolting forward, hand
outstretched, but he was too late. Just before they closed
completely, he heard her say, “And you can forget about the money,
too, you lying user sonofabitch!”
    * * *
    Forty-five minutes later, Delilah was just
locking her car door outside her friend’s dungeon when Chas’s car
zoomed up next to her and screeched to a halt.
    He leapt from the car and yelled, “You are NOT going in there!” His eyes bugged out as they traveled
down her body, taking in her newest costume. She’d bought it
earlier that day with him in mind, but he didn’t have to know
    “That—that’s obscene. You’re more than
three-quarters naked!”
    Technically, he was right, but the horizontal
leather straps that made up the mini-dress, being held up by two
strategically placed vertical ones, concealed the parts of her body
that men found most interesting. Which was the point, of
    She raised her chin and walked around the
front of his BMW toward her friend’s place.
    “Oh-h-h, no you don’t!” he said, sliding into
place directly in her path.
    I am not speaking to you, asshole. She
stood her ground and gave him a glacial stare. Why hadn’t she
brought her crop?
    He glanced at his watch, “Get in the
    She crossed her arms over her chest.
    “ Get in the car, Delilah.”
    She turned her face away.
    “Fine, we’ll play it your way.” Before she
had a glimmer of an inkling what he was about, he’d hauled her over
his shoulder and tossed her into the back seat of his car.
    He poked his head in, a savage gleam to his
eye. “You are my woman. I don’t share,” he said and slammed
the door closed.
    A thrill ran through her. She’d never

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