Deverell's Obsession: A Risqué Regency Romance

Deverell's Obsession: A Risqué Regency Romance by Sahara Kelly Page A

Book: Deverell's Obsession: A Risqué Regency Romance by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
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released when he saw she was still resting…well, that told him he’d done the right thing.
    He put another log on the fire, checked it was banked down well, and then pulled the screen in front of it.
    The large chair that Julia had napped in was still by the bed, as was the blanket, so Dev made use of both of them. It was extremely improper and he should have summoned a maid, but it was late and he knew he couldn’t rest until Léonie had awoken from her faint.
    So he settled down, turning so that he could see her in the firelight. It was not unlike looking at his portrait from a different angle. Her skin was a pearl sheened with gold, her lips a deeper shade of peachy rose.
    Soft dark hair spread over the pillow, a testimony to the care of her maid.
    Once again he kicked himself for dropping such devastating news into the conversation. He should have remembered that she was still fragile, although he had a feeling she wouldn’t like it if he mentioned it.
    There was a strength beneath the delicacy, a determination in her eyes and the set of her chin. When she was fully healthy, he’d bet many guineas that few would stand in her way when she set her mind to something.
    He couldn’t wait to find out.
    She stirred, turning with a little sound and shifting on the pillow. Then she opened her eyes and instinctively looked to the side where Dev half-sat half-lay in the chair.
    “I’m here, Léonie.”
    She smiled for an instant, a look of happiness crossing her face. Then, as if the thoughts dropped onto her shoulders, she sobered. “Dead. Elwyn is dead.”
    “Yes he is. And I cannot find the words to tell you how sorry I am that I shocked you that way.” He reached out his hand in a gesture of apology, and to his surprise she took it in hers. 
    “It’s all right. I think I was overtired.” She let their fingers remain entwined. “But it is a little unsettling.”
    “Yes it is.” Dev spoke quietly, unwilling to disturb this moment of soft whispers and simple questions.
    “Am I still in danger? Will whoever killed Lord Elwyn come looking for me, do you think?”
    Her fingers twitched in his, gripping him a little tighter. “I cannot answer that, Léonie. I truly do not know. But because I do not know, you will be protected every minute of every day. Nobody will harm you. Not while I’m here.”
    “I feel safe with you.” A plain statement indeed. “Dev, may I ask you something terribly inappropriate?”
    “You can ask me anything.”
    “Would you lie here beside me and hold me? I’m not sure I can sleep unless I know there is another in this room.”
    Dev bit down on the instant vision of discarding his clothing and sliding naked beneath her covers to cradle her warmth with his.
    “Of course.” If his voice was a little rougher than normal, he prayed she wouldn’t notice.
    He pushed the blanket aside and stood as Léonie moved to the far side of her bed. In less than a breath he was beside her and she was snuggling into his body, her head on his shoulder, her hand over his heart.
    He heard the deep sigh of relief as she relaxed against him, and he reached for the blanket to cover himself. It wasn’t for warmth.
    The scent of her, a blend of something sweetly floral and warm woman, was touching him on an elemental level. He was growing more aroused by the second and blessed the blanket for hiding his erection.
    “Thank you. This is much better.” She nuzzled his dressing gown affectionately, a kitten relishing a cuddle.
    Dev gritted his teeth. “It is indeed,” he lied.
    Silence fell for a few minutes, during which Dev died a thousand deaths of desire. He wanted her. He acknowledged that. He wanted to strip her from her nightgown and learn her body from eyebrow to toenail.
    He wanted to explore the soft nooks and crannies, lick his way to her sensitive places and then finally bring her to her peak in every manner he could think of.
    And then he’d like to do it all over again in the

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