Destiny Forgiven (Shadows of Destiny)

Destiny Forgiven (Shadows of Destiny) by Leia Shaw

Book: Destiny Forgiven (Shadows of Destiny) by Leia Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leia Shaw
opened the door to the room she’d first met him – well, where she’d first met Inkman. Had it only been a few weeks ago? A spot of blood in the middle of the floor where she’d cracked her head was a cold reminder.
    “Sit,” he commanded, nodding to the chair.
    Hesitantly, she did. It was probably best to be on good behavior until she knew who she was dealing with.
    He watched her for a long time. So long that she started feeling self-conscious.
    “You look terrible,” he finally said.
    She almost laughed. “Do I? Well, I’ll have to inform my stylist she’s doing a shit job.”
    No response. Not even a flicker of a smile. His shoulders drooped and he frowned. “You need to sleep.”
    “Yeah, well,” she fumbled with her hands, “hard to sleep hungry, cold, and hurting.”
    His lips tightened. “You need to give me something, Felicity.” Desperation leaked in his voice.
    “I can keep them from hurting you again if you just give me something .”
    She shook her head. “I –”
    “Sleep first.” He walked toward her. “You need rest. Then we’ll continue this.”
    Silently, he walked her through the maze of the prison then to the familiar back hallway and elevator. Neither spoke until they reached the privacy of his room.
    She stood awkwardly in front of the bed. He rocked back on his heels and sighed. “Take those off,” he ordered, motioning to her clothes.
    She looked down at the gray scrub-like clothing. “Why?”
    “You’re going to sleep in my bed,” he answered as he moved toward it and pulled the covers down. “I don’t want you to get it dirty.”
    Before she could make the argument that they were new and pretty clean, he smirked. “Plus it’s my bed. I make the rules.”
    Typical Maddox. She sighed and stripped off her shirt. “Not like you haven’t seen me naked before.”
    Boldly, he perused her bare chest. “And I think about it every night.”
    Her face heated but she smiled. “Perv.”
    His lips turned up in a crooked grin and he pointed to the bed. “Get in.”
    She slipped under the covers and he tucked the blanket under her chin. Was Maddox seriously tucking her in to bed? This was so surreal. And fucked up. She almost laughed.
    “Sleep,” he said. “But then you better start thinking through some answers, little girl. I’ll have questions when you wake.” He frowned and pushed a lock of hair from her forehead. “I can only keep them away for so long, Felicity. My father will get impatient. You have to help me.”
    Too tired to plot now, she yawned and nodded. A bed had never felt so comfortable. The silk sheets felt cool against her naked skin but the heavy quilt on top was warming her up for the first time since the bath.
    He needed answers. If she was smart, she’d stay awake and decide what lies to feed him. What would sound plausible enough to last a little while longer? She wasn’t afraid of Maddox anymore. His father though…. Even as a child, he sent shivers down her spine. She could only imagine what he’d be like now. A place like this would exaggerate his menacing presence.
    Answers. She could tell him one of their weapon sources. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it? They had others. She yawned again. Her lids grew heavy.
    Maddox shut off the light and sat down at his desk. Rain pinged against the window. It was the first sound from outside the prison she heard since she’d gotten there. A small smile settled on her face. A soft bed, Maddox nearby, and a lulling rain storm. Who cared what he expected when she woke? For now, she’d pretend she was home. That Maddox loved her. And that she could sleep soundly because he’d always keep her safe.

I haven’t heard from you in months. Are you okay? I’m making a plan. I’ll be there soon. Just hang on.
    I miss you.
    Felicity to Maddox in a letter, June 2004
    Felicity woke to the sound of heavy rain falling on the roof and something tugging at her limbs. She tried to bring her

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