Desire for Love (The Club #13)

Desire for Love (The Club #13) by S.E. Gilchrist

Book: Desire for Love (The Club #13) by S.E. Gilchrist Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.E. Gilchrist
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Chapter One
    From the living room of
their small rental, the chimes of the antique clock Madeline had been unable to
resist buying at a local garage sale rang out the half hour. She came flying
out of her bedroom, a partially packed duffle bag clasped in one hand and
attempting to brush her long hair with the other.
    “That can’t be the time.
Please, Matty, tell me that isn’t the time?” She shoved her brush into the
duffle and scooped up her only pair of black-smut-bitch stilettos as she padded
across the scarred timber floor in her bare feet.
    Her brother barely
managed to lift his eyes from the game he was playing on the television.
    “You are no help.”
Madeline squeezed one foot into a strappy stiletto while continuing to hop
toward the front door.
    Heaving a heavy sigh as
if he’d been asked to dig a trench from Karim, Texas all the way to New Orleans
single-handed and with a spoon, Matty pushed aside his game console and
checked his mobile. “Yep. Seven thirty on the dot. You’re gonna be late.”
    “Tell me something I
don’t know already.”
    “You’ve still got your
sleep pants on.”
    Madeline froze and stared
down at where, sure enough, her full-length, candy pink pants patterned with
yellow dogs wearing purple sunglasses covered her legs. Why oh why, hadn’t she
finished dressing in her work clothes the minute she’d gotten out of the
shower? But no, instead she’d pulled her comfort pants on without a second
thought. That damn meeting at the high school and the consequent announcement
that Karim Academy was increasing its fees. She’d been so rattled she’d totally
forgotten she was on roster for work tonight. “Oh, my God!”
    “Chill, sis. They look
like sweat pants.”
    “No, they don’t. They
look like pajamas. Shit! I don’t have time to change.”
    Her brother made a big
show of tapping a finger against his mobile to remind her of the passing of
    “I know. I know. Okay.”
Madeline pushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “Do your homework and don’t
forget to take out the trash. And bedtime is strictly nine o’clock.”
    “Come on. I’ve got a
physics test tomorrow.”
    Madeline made furious
hand gestures indicating his game console. “You could be studying now instead
of fooling about on-line.”
    “You’re just pissed that
school meeting ran over-time.”
    “Nine-thirty. No later.
And you’re right. Your principal wouldn’t stop talking. All that crap about
rising costs and teachers’ salaries.” She stopped, not wanting to keep venting
and knowing her brother was concerned about their tight finances. Although, he
liked to pretend otherwise. She smiled, relieved when he grinned back.
    “I’ve gotta go. I’ll
change at work.” She reached over and planted a kiss on her brother’s mop of
straight brown hair. “Make sure the door’s locked.”
    “Don’t stress, sis. I’m
fifteen, not a baby.”
    No, he wasn’t a baby but
he was all the family Madeline had and she didn’t intend to take any chances
where he was concerned. Especially as their rental house was situated in a
fairly rough neighborhood smack bang on the edge of gang territory.
    It’s all I can afford and
it won’t be forever. “Just do it. Okay?” She
slipped on her other shoe.
    “’Kay.” Matty picked up
his console, no doubt already dismissing his sister from his mind.
    Madeline rolled her eyes
and hauled her thick, red and green checked overcoat with attached hoodie over
her scarlet corset and wrapped a white woolly scarf several times around her
    She hustled out the door
and down the three steps onto the cracked cement path to where their rust
bucket of a Chevy was parked at the curb. The sedan was thirsty on the gas, but
was built like a tank which gave Madeline some peace of mine with Matty eager
to get his driving license as soon as legally possible.
    Night had fallen. Their
road was poorly lit by the few street lights that remained un-smashed by the

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