Desire - Erotic Short Story

Desire - Erotic Short Story by Jenna Blu, Kat Von Wild Page A

Book: Desire - Erotic Short Story by Jenna Blu, Kat Von Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Blu, Kat Von Wild
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for her forgiveness while he spoke of wanting to pursue his own aspirations for a very different future than what his family business offered.  He wanted his own chain sporting goods stores, and she had a plan to entice him in that direction while fulfilling her revenge.
    She looked at the reflection of the closed office door in the mirror as the lawyers were battling it out.  She wondered if her proposal, in which Marc had to stay on under her command for the next two years, shocked them.  It had never been talked about until tonight.  She wanted him under her is so many ways, and now she will have him, however she wants.  His only way out of this contract was to meet with her in person, sexually.  In that opportunity, she planned to get as many orgasms out of him as possible, then release him to the wolves.  Figuratively speaking, he would be free to find his own way in the corporate world anyway he wanted to go.  That part remained secretive.
    As her focus was on that door opening, willing it to have the lawyers step out and shake hands, telling her that everything was signed and Marc agreed to it all.  A flash of lightning danced across the glass window of the high-rise building they were conducting business in.  An electric sexual thought danced in her mind.  An image of Marc kissing her tenderly while she begged for him to be aggressive sexually.  She wanted it hard and fast from him, but something told her that he would tease her into omission until she was under his spell and doing it the way he wanted.
    She laughed lightly as the next flash of lightening lit up the sky and thought how it happened between them really did not matter.  She just knew how aggressive she was sexually, how hard her appetite was to appease.  Marc seemed like the man to do the job, but would he allow her to dominate the sexual desire between them, just to be relieved of a contract.
    It did not matter how it happened for her just that it did.  It was an expensive game of foreplay, but when it came right down to it, it was not about the money.  It was about him begging her for mercy and her sweet revenge that somehow turned ultimately into utter Desire.
    The doors opened and out poured the Briddle team of lawyers shaking their heads with disbelief, followed by her team of female lawyers dressed to kill in seductive office attire.  Yes, she only hired female lawyers and yes, she paid extra to have every single one of them look the part of a seductress.  It was part of her offensive plan.
    As she watched her lawyers smiling and laughing, obviously enjoying the victorious win, Cassandra had to wonder where was Marc.
    The rounds of congratulatory handshakes went out to her as the meeting room cleared out while the darkened skies continued with its electric dance light show.  God, how Cassandra loved a good electrical storm.  It left her charged with energy and even now; she felt on top of the world.  She just needed to see Marc's expression and continued to wonder why he did not come out of the boardroom.  Was there a back door exit she had not noticed before?
    As the last female lawyer on her team shot her a fist pump before heading down the hall to the bank of elevators out of the line of sight from where she stood, she had to know.  She took one last quick glance in the mirror to check her hair and makeup when he came into view in the reflection of the mirror.
    He leaned against the tall oak door with a relaxed look.  His navy blue tie hung loose around his neck while his starched white dress shirt was open a few buttons.  His navy blue jacket rested on his arm, and his dark-brown hair looked as if he had run his hands through it enough times to tell, he had not seen her moves coming.  A new thrill filled her with success as she realized that her darkest desires stood there in the reflection of the mirror, and she was about to change the game plan.
    As she turned away from the mirror to look at him directly on, his

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