Desert Surrender
movements with it as with the celery, then followed with mushrooms and broccoli.
    Clarissa"s fingers itched to pick up the shrimp or at least a piece of chicken or steak. Doing as he asked was getting harder by the second as the small bites of vegetables only served to fuel her hunger instead of feed it.
    “May I have some shrimp?”
    “The plate in the middle. There"s some crackers around it. Use that to dip out the food and eat it.”
    She stared at the concoction. “What is it?”
    “Food first, questions later.”
    A slight shake of her head showed her reluctance. “It looks vaguely like liver.” She leaned closer to it. “Now that I"m looking at it, I"m pretty sure it"s ground-up pâté.”
    “I didn"t ask for a review, I asked you to eat it. Just a small bite on a cracker.”
    Clarissa wrinkled up her nose. “I don"t like liver. I"ll pass.” She picked up a piece of shrimp and popped it in her mouth, chewing noisily. “This is much better.” She reached for another one, stopping with the prawn in midair when he cleared his throat.
    “Put it down.”
    Their gazes locked. His expression was impassive, and she wondered what was going through his mind. If she failed this test, would their fun be over? What harm could it do to push it a little? On the other hand, she didn"t want to jeopardize what could turn out to be a fantastic relationship.
    The shrimp dropped noiselessly back onto the plate, and she put her hand in her lap, feeling a little like a child who had been caught stealing cookies between meals.
    “You"re a bad girl, Clarissa. I told you to eat the other food, and you ate the shrimp. What am I going to do with you?”
    “Um, spank me?”
    “No, much too easy.” He folded his hands in his lap. “Stand up and walk around the table until I decide.”
    The order took her aback just a little. She hadn"t expected something like that. She stood and started to walk, the long chain still hanging from her pussy dragging behind her.
    “Hands behind your back, head down.” She followed his instructions, feeling strangely exhilarated. When she"d made one pass around the table, she stopped.
    “Continue walking until I say otherwise.”
    She wanted to snap at him, to ask what her walking had to do with his thinking.
    Instead she heaved a huge, put-upon sigh and started off again. The table wasn"t that big, so making a circuit didn"t take too long. She"d made six when he finally told her to stop.

    Desert Surrender

    “Come over here.” He pointed to a spot right in front of him. She moved toward him, feeling the same sense of excited vulnerability she"d felt last evening.
    “Hand me your leash.”
    She lifted the chain from the floor, gathered up its length before handing it to him.
    He stood as she placed it in his hand. “Spread your legs, arms at your side.”
    “I"m not sure I like instructions like that. Makes me feel like a disobedient child.”
    “You"re a submissive doing as she"s told.” He trailed the chain up her stomach, threading it around one nipple ring and then the other before looping it around her neck and taking it back down to her pussy. She felt a slight tug as it passed through her clit ring before he let the length of it drop to the floor.
    “Very nice. Climb onto the table and lie on your back.”
    Clarissa glanced at the table, swallowing hard. “It looks rather small.”
    “Do as I ask.” She nodded, sitting on the edge and scooting back. The wood was very cold against her backside, and she shivered as she lay down. She fit on there perfectly, which surprised her just a bit. From this position, he would be able to get to her from wherever he wanted.
    “Are you going to tie me?”
    He remained silent, and she felt her chain move just a little, heard a click . “What was that?” He ignored the question and trailed a length of it back up her body to the other end of the table before she heard another click.
    “Maddox, what are you doing?”
    He ignored the question

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