Desert Disaster

Desert Disaster by Axel Lewis

Book: Desert Disaster by Axel Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Axel Lewis
Chapter 1 - Up in the Air
    “On your marks ... get set ... go !” shouted Princess Kako.
    Jimmy Roberts reached for a packet of crisps from the table and popped it open with one hand. Beside him, Chip Travers did the same.
    Opposite them sat Missy McGovern and Sammy Bahur, each with their hands clasped behind their backs and their mouths open wide like two seals at feeding time.
    “Incoming!” Jimmy shouted to Missy as he started throwing salty crisps at her mouth as quickly as he could, while Chip did the same to Sammy. The crisps were bouncing off noses, ears and cheeks as Missy and Sammy weaved to and fro, fighting to catch as many in their mouths as they could.
    “Come on, Sammy,” yelled Chip. “We can’t afford to lose this game.”
    “Iiimm-ooeein-mmiii-eeeessss!” the Egyptian boy replied, which Jimmy decided must translate into, “I’m doing my best!”
    “Time’s up,” said Kako suddenly. “Everybody stop what you are doing. Close your mouths and put down the snacks!”
    The room fell silent apart from the dull noise of food being chewed.
    “I think we won that one, don’t you, Jimmy?” said Missy, shaking crumbs from her hair.
    “Are you kidding me?” said Chip. “We caught more chips than you! Kako, who won?”
    “I was too busy laughing!” the Japanese princess replied.
    Jimmy smiled and shook his head as the jokey squabble carried on. Missy had come up with the game and it had had the entire group laughing the whole way through their lunch hour.
    Jimmy plucked a sandwich from the table and popped it into his mouth. He was reaching for his drink when he noticed that the liquid in the glass was tilting at a funny angle. It was the only sign that he was actually suspended thousands of metres in the air on an enormous airship owned by none other than the famous billionaire Lord Ludwick Leadpipe. The water rolled up the right side of his drinking glass ever so slightly as the giant craft moved through the air.
    Jimmy loved being part of the first-ever Robot Races for kids. He loved the danger, the excitement and visiting new places. But the competition had become so popular that all the racers had turned into celebrities overnight. All of a sudden, newspaper reporters wanted to know everything about them, and had started standing on their doorsteps with camera crews day and night to catch a glimpse here and a quick word there. Grandpa had got so fed up with them turning up at his door that he’d rigged the doorbell to squirt water at whoever rang it!
    Soon Lord Leadpipe had decided to take action. He converted part of his giant airship into a school, and gathered everyone on board to live there for the duration of the Races.
    The luxury airliner had everything – luxury en-suite cabins, a fancy restaurant, cinema, a bowling alley, classrooms, science labs, and a canteen that was bigger than the one at Jimmy’s school. Leadpipe had hired a tutor to teach them all the usual subjects like maths and science, but he’d also arranged for them to be taught a few special lessons. They were being taught basic mechanics, advanced driving skills and interview techniques – all things they’d need to be top robot racers.
    Looking around the table at the other competitors, Jimmy still couldn’t believe he was now living aboard a giant airship. It was completely different from the run-down house in Smedingham where he had been brought up by his grandpa. The same grandpa who had also turned out to be a genius robot inventor and engineer – when he wasn’t busy being a taxi driver.
    Around Jimmy were the other robot racers. They were all kids like him, taking part in the biggest, most exciting tournament the world had ever seen – each with their own robot equipped with the finest gadgets and technology. They were friends now, but on the track they’d be fighting each other for first place.
    First there was Princess Kako from Japan. She and her robobike, Lightning, were serious contenders in the

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