Denouement (The Darkness Series Book 3)

Denouement (The Darkness Series Book 3) by Cassia Brightmore Page B

Book: Denouement (The Darkness Series Book 3) by Cassia Brightmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassia Brightmore
Tags: Fiction, Romance, dark
through the doors, ready to extinguish the fire that had nearly stole the future he hadn’t known he’d wanted from him.
    “Alright, boys,” he yelled into his walkie. “Let’s take this bitch down.”
    Several hours later, West stood in the locker room trying to process everything that had happened. He wrenched his helmet from his head and sent it flying across the room in frustration. She’d almost died. If he’d been five minutes later, she’d cease to exist. A close call like that struck deep within him, rattled nerves that should have been made of steel. Instead, his hands shook with the realization that Aubrey meant more to him than he’d admitted to himself.
    This fucker had Aubrey in his sights, and if he succeeded, she’d be his next victim. “Not on my fucking watch,” he swore out loud. “He’s gonna have to go through me first before he ever lays a finger on her.” The fear he’d seen in Aubrey’s eyes was enough to have his blood boiling. One way or another, he would end this psycho’s reign of terror once and for all.


    S heriff Brady James finished reading the report that the Stockton Crossing Sheriff’s department had sent over and closed the file with a heavy sigh. This serial arsonist on the loose in a town not that far from Durham Heights was a growing concern. With each victim he was growing more cocky and courageous; not afraid to up the ante when he wasn’t caught. Sheriff Moore was in over his head with this case and the longer it went without a resolution, the more the citizens would be at risk of losing their lives. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to sit back and do nothing, the time to act had come.
    There was a loud rap on his office door and it swung open to reveal Gabe Thornton and Theo Barrington—two men that had become like brothers to him. Gabe was a good friend from years back, but he had only just recently met Theo in the past couple of years when working on a case that had threatened to ruin them all. Marcus Drake. Marcus and his band of lowlifes, in Brady’s opinion, were the worst criminals he’d ever encountered. His operation of kidnapping women, forcing them to become pregnant and then stealing those infants from them over and over—it was sickening. What those women had been forced to endure haunted him every night. His only salvation was the fact that they’d been able to rescue Gabe’s son before it was too late.
    “Sittin’ down on the job again. I think I need to talk to someone about our tax dollars going to waste while you sit behind that desk eating donuts,” Theo joked as they came in and shut the door. “Yep, I can see the weight gain from here. You’ve really let yourself go, Sheriff.”
    Brady got up and gave Gabe a one-armed hug. “Shut up, you ass,” he said to Theo. “Gwyn doesn’t even let me touch donuts anymore. She’s on this health food kick; turkey bacon. Who the fuck eats turkey bacon? Sarah has to sneak me in the real stuff when I know she’s not working at the diner,” he complained, taking his seat again.
    Gabe laughed as they took a seat in the two chairs in front of Brady’s desk. “You’re in trouble with that one, man. Already changing your diet and you’re not even married yet.”
    “Nah, she’s worth it. I don’t mind sneaking a bit of bacon behind her back if it keeps her happy. I’m damn lucky to have that woman.”
    Theo stood up and looked around as if searching for something. “People! We have a situation here—Brady has lots his balls! Organize a search party, stat—”
    Brady tossed a pencil at his head. “Sit your dumbass down. Jesus Christ, what do you two want?” he demanded with an aggravated sigh.
    Theo finally turned serious. “There’s a situation over in Stockton Crossing. Gabe’s buddy, West is a Lieutenant with the fire department there. We’re thinking it might need some “extra” assistance.” Their eyes met and Brady knew that they were all remembering the day

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