Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One)

Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) by Roxie Lee Page B

Book: Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) by Roxie Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxie Lee
Tags: Erotic Paranormal Romance
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    From the moment Willem Zeegers stepped onto dry land from the Pride of Hades more than two hundred years ago and formed the club, Incubus had been steeped in myth and legend. However, after researching the history in greater depth, something just didn’t sit right with Lacey. The journalist in her was like a dog with a bone, and demanded she seek out the truth, making sure that the constant trickle of rumors were just that—rumors. It wouldn’t be an easy job, but she was willing to pretend she was a submissive who was heavily into the BDSM scene. Lacey took her work seriously.
    Shit. Am I really dumb enough to offer myself up for auction? Talk about jumping in at the deep end.
    Unsure if she was doing the right thing, Lacey took several deep breaths in an attempt to quash her natural reaction to make a run for the exit door behind her. However, even after several lungfuls of air, she still couldn’t quite regain her composure. The growing apprehension and excitement had finally gotten to her, and she fanned a hand in front of her face, only to lose her grip on the card that the auctioneer needed to read from.
    In sheer dismay, she watched it flutter slowly to the floor some four feet below the raised stage she stood on. Hell, what am I supposed to do now? With the auction for Rebecca reaching fever pitch, Lacey hurriedly scanned the semi-darkness beneath her feet.
    “Did you lose something, little one? Perhaps I can help.” A deep, assertive voice rumbled through the gloom, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention.
    Lacey felt her eyes widen with sexual desire and not a little fear as she stared into the face of just about the most beautiful, yet powerful man she’d ever seen. Surely no man on God’s good earth had a right to be as handsome as this guy? Finger-combed dark brown hair blended perfectly with rugged features, while a body to die for filled out tight leather jeans and a white T-shirt to perfection. Even from her elevated position on the raised stage he looked tall, and she guessed him to be at least six-three, maybe even six-four.
    And then he smiled at her—a smile that seemed to scorch the divide that separated them. A smile that sucked the air from her lungs and made her pussy wet with need. Oh, dear, God, yes. Whoever this guy was, his face held the smile of a man who knew exactly what he wanted. Clearly he was one of the Doms at Club Incubus who’d slipped away from the main event. In that instant, Lacey realized that her prayers to find her dropped auction card had been answered.
    Normally organized and in control of her destiny, she felt anything but in the presence of this total stranger. What had Rebecca told her? Yes, that’s right, a submissive should always refer to any club Dom as “Sir” until they instruct you otherwise. Unable to move, and feeling like a complete idiot for staring at the sexiest guy she’d ever laid eyes on, Lacey found her voice, only for it to come out even huskier than usual.
    “Sir, I’m sorry, Sir, but I dropped the card that holds my bidding information.” She pointed to where it lay at his booted feet, noticing that her hand shook ever so slightly. “The rules say that I can’t be auctioned off to the highest bidder without it.”
    “Is that so.” He smiled again, this time with amusement, making those compelling blue eyes crinkle slightly at the corners. “In that case, we mustn’t disappoint the good people here at Incubus, must we?”
    “No, Sir.”
    He hunkered down, picked up her card and began reading the information written on it. “So, Lacey.” A look of pure sexual intent flashed across his face as he raised his gaze to her, which made her feel as though she were in the presence of the devil himself—a demon who wore a beautiful disguise.
    “I see this is your first time at an auction.”
    “Yes. Um…? Yes, but how did you know?”
    He handed the card back, and smiled. “I just know.”
    Her fingers

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