Deliciously Wicked

Deliciously Wicked by Robyn DeHart

Book: Deliciously Wicked by Robyn DeHart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn DeHart
accomplished at pretending he was this uncaring oaf who didn’t like people. But she’d seen sparks of a gentle heart on more than one occasion. There was definitely more than met the eye when it came to Gareth Mandeville.
    â€œI spoke with Mr. Munden when I arrived,” she said. Perhaps now was the time to broach this subject.
    He did not look up.
    â€œGareth, why would you not allow him to search your rooms if you know it will prove your innocence?”
    That pulled his glance up to hers. “Do you honestly think that giving him permission to do so will prove anything to him? No.” He didn’t give her time to answer. “All it will do is feed his need to have power over me. And when he finds nothing, he’ll create some excuse about how I sold them, or I’m storing them elsewhere. I’ve worked with men like Munden before. He will not give up—this is only the beginning with him.”
    He was so matter-of-fact. As if it were completely natural to have someone not only assume the worst of you, but, in a sense, pursue you. It wasn’t natural and it wasn’t right. “Why is he after you?” she asked.
    â€œHow the hell should I know?”
    The dark stubble on his chin and upper lip gave him a dangerous look, yet Meg felt no fear. He was angry, and rightly so. It was unfair for him to be accused of something while someone else got away with it.
    â€œThe Ladies’ Amateur Sleuth Society hasn’t found anything yet, but we have a plan. I started speaking with the other workers today to see if anyone heard or saw anything about that night.”
    â€œI didn’t see you come in today,” he said.
    â€œOh, not here. I started with the packaging and molding rooms. Women talk more than men, so any gossip would circulate among them first.”
    His eyebrows raised slightly. “And?”
    She sighed. “Nothing.” But many of the women had known who he was. Apparently Meg wasn’t the only one to find him handsome. A fact she found rather annoying regardless of how unimportant it should have been to her.
    He shrugged. “It’s not your responsibility,” he said.
    â€œIt is my responsibility because the theft occurredhere. I cannot allow a thief to run amok and do nothing about it. Amelia and Willow are going to ask around at some pawnbrokers. We figure if we were to steal something, that’s probably where we would try to sell it.”
    â€œThat’s clever,” he said.
    Her heart seemed to flip in her chest. Perhaps he didn’t think her an utter fool. “My friend’s husband is an inspector for hire and he has friends at the Scotland Yard, so if we need professional assistance, we can ask them.”
    â€œI don’t think that’s necessary. The authorities haven’t even been notified. Besides, I thought you knew how to do this sort of investigating. Being the amateur sleuth that you are.”
    She thought she detected a light smile play across his mouth, but she wasn’t certain. He was goading her. But he was also correct. She did know how to sleuth. She wasn’t as clever as Amelia or Willow, but surely she could be of assistance.
    He might not feel this investigation was necessary, but she certainly did. Her heart beat a rapid tattoo and she gifted him with a smile. “We will discover the real perpetrator. You can rely on the Ladies’ Amateur Sleuth Society.”
    He smiled, and her stomach jolted. The lines creasing his forehead relaxed, and she was struck again by the perfection in his lips. He was so handsome.
    â€œI appreciate your help, Meg, but you don’t owe me anything. So if you and your friends want to ask around or something, I’m not going to attempt to stop you. I doubt very much I’d be able to do so. But don’t go to any great deal of trouble.”
    â€œYou are not the only reason I am engaged in thisinvestigation, I’ll have you

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