Deliciously Sinful
parachute to keep her body from shattering to a million pieces when she hit the ground.
    This felt like that. As if she were indulging herself. She was exposed, under the influence of Nick Avalon, the most dangerous man she’d ever met. And she was allowing him to…
    “Damn!” she cried out as he flicked the whisk at her ass once again.
    “You okay, sweetheart?” His palm was flat on her back, holding her still.
    She nodded. “Yes…”
    He kissed her between her shoulder blades. “I know you are, sweetheart.”
    Of course he did. He could tap right into this place in her, a place she hadn’t even been aware of. And now, like a chemical, something seemed to be releasing from her brain. Even as her nerves buzzed, something in her was calm. It was a heady combination, and she wanted more of it.
    “Again,” she said.
    “That’s my girl.”
    His words made her legs quiver.
    The way he spanked her, just below the line of her bikini underwear, was quick and efficient. Each time she felt the sting—and the sting of the thin metal was sharp—she gasped. But also, each swat intensified everything she was feeling: lust, desire, exhilaration.
    Harder and harder. Holding her still, he whipped her ass until she felt as if she were floating. The sounds of her cries, of the metal hitting her flesh, of Nick’s breathing, faded. Her body was going numb all over as the sensations spread through her. She knew he was hitting her more intensely, that she should be screaming from pain. But the pain felt good. Right. She’d never been so relaxed, so out of her head.
    Sticking her ass out, she pressed her palms against the door. “Yes, Nick. Harder.” She barely heard her own voice.
    “Who knew you were such a naughty little thing, Pheebs?”
    “Shut up and keep going.”
    She wasn’t sure how many more times he smacked her ass. But he continued, and her mind kept disappearing. Then he whipped her hard, and this time it was much sharper, almost too much. But he knew exactly what she could take. And he paused a moment to allow her to catch her breath.
    Her ass burned, but it was a good burn. Everything was good. Too good. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t speak anymore. She slumped against the wall.
    “That’s my girl.”

Chapter Nine
    T he next thing she knew she was in his arms. He crossed the room to sit on a crate of canned organic garbanzo beans. He still held her. His arms were strong and reassuring around her. She didn’t know what was going on, what had happened. Her entire body seemed to be connected to this man. Her heart seemed to be beating just for him. Her brain could only focus on him, and the sudden attachment to him that was threatening to blossom like an apple tree in spring.
    Somewhere, she knew it was wrong. She didn’t like him. She knew she didn’t. So why did she want to sink into him? Why did she want to kiss his forehead and run her hands through his spiky hair? Why did she want to climb up, straddle him, and feel his cock inside her? She wanted him buried so deep inside her it hurt to even think about.
    He kissed her forehead. “You okay?”
    After a minute, she said, “I think so.” Reality was starting to set in. The fog in her brain was beginning to clear. “What just happened?” And why did she feel downright giddy?
    She’d never been giddy a moment in her life.
    When she looked into his eyes, she saw he actually appeared a bit confused. Interesting. “I whisked you,” he finally said.
    She had to grin. “Yeah…you did.”
    He shifted beneath her, and she could feel his erection—long and hard and… long .
    Okay, there was that lust again.
    But it was more. The experience of what he’d just done to her had left her feeling open and vulnerable, and that should have been enough to make her jump off his lap and run away screaming. Allowing herself to feel those things was dangerous.
    And it was clear she’d crossed a dangerous line. Nick Avalon was even more perilous than she’d

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