DeKok and the Sorrowing Tomcat

DeKok and the Sorrowing Tomcat by Albert Cornelis Baantjer

Book: DeKok and the Sorrowing Tomcat by Albert Cornelis Baantjer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Albert Cornelis Baantjer
remember any details of a call that was made more than a week ago. Also, I doubt that Pete mentioned his name.”
    DeKok nodded reflectively.
    â€œThere is a third possibility.”
    Vledder looked the question.
    â€œThe particular receptionist has been well instructed.”
    Vledder frowned.
    â€œYou mean she does remember the conversation, but somebody instructed her to keep her mouth shut?”
    Vledder shook his head dejectedly.
    â€œIt’s a hopeless situation,” he said bleakly. “We’ll never get anywhere this way. The circle of suspects and accessories becomes wider and wider.”
    For a long time both remained silent, thinking their own thoughts.
    DeKok stood up and walked over to the window. He placed himself in his favorite position, balancing on the balls of his feet, his hands folded behind his back. He stared out of the window at the rooftops across the street. A light snow fall had transformed the rooftops and chimneys under the gray skies into an idealized version of a Christmas postcard. After a long while he turned around.
    â€œYou know, Dick,” he said slowly, choosing his words, “we are forgetting, I think, that the hold-up actually did take place. We seem to have forgotten that, neglected it, rather.”
    Vledder looked at him in surprise.
    â€œI don’t understand you.”
    â€œWell, it’s simple, really. Who committed the robbery? Although B&G probably, according to our theory, took advantage of the information provided by Pete, there were actual people involved in the hold-up. Real people who really did commit the crime.”
    Vledder nodded.
    â€œOf course, but I don’t think that those people are in any way connected with B&G. They probably also have nothing to do with Pete’s killing.”
    DeKok smiled.
    â€œBut they are in a position to provide us with proof about that.”
    â€œYes, if we can arrest the robbers and if they can prove that the haul was considerably less than reported by B&G…”
    Vledder’s eyes sparkled.
    â€œâ€¦ then,” he interrupted enthusiastically, “then we could really put the screws to B&G management.”
    â€œYes, indeed. It would help us considerably. Perhaps we can get one of them to talk.”
    Vledder’s face fell.
    â€œWell, yes, that would be great, but how do we find the perpetrators? I mean, we can hardly place an ad in the papers, now can we?”
    DeKok laughed at him.
    â€œDon’t be so pessimistic. After all, we are policemen, you know. I’m sure we can solve it. To begin with, here’s an intriguing question for you.”
    DeKok nodded indulgently.
    â€œYes. How did Pete Geffel know that a hold-up was in the making?”
    For several seconds Vledder was dumbfounded. Then he covered his face in his hands and groaned.
    â€œOf course,” he exclaimed, “of course. I never gave it a thought. He had to hear it from somebody.”
    DeKok rubbed his face with both hands. It was a tired gesture.
    â€œAnd he had been well informed. He knew exactly what was going to happen. Therefore, I think he got his information first hand.”
    Vledder looked at him searchingly.
    â€œYou mean, he got his information directly from one of the robbers?”
    DeKok placed a fatherly hand on the broad shoulders of the younger man.
    â€œIt seems that way. And if I then tell you that Pete had been out of jail for less than a month, according to his file, and that he had spent the last few months of his jail sentence in Haarlem, what would be your conclusion?”
    The expression on Vledder’s face became noticeably more cheerful.
    â€œThat Geffel gained his knowledge in jail.”
    DeKok nodded encouragingly.
    â€œExactly. Therefore I think you should make another trip to Haarlem. Have a talk with the warden there. He would be able to tell you who shared a cell with

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