Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)
Chapter 1
    The cool water soothed the heat of my sun-reddened skin as I swam toward the base of the waterfall. His large, muscular figure silhouetted behind the face of the waterfall. A broad chest and a massive pair of arms rested over his slim, rippled torso tapering into a trim chiseled waist. An infusion of colors painted the unique water curtain that blocked his beautiful face from my view. Keeping from me the brilliant green of his eyes. I swam faster, needing to be closer to him. To touch him. To experience the joy that exploded from my core every time I was with him, near him.
    The dark masculine figure broke the surface of the polychromatic water curtain that rushed vertically toward the bottom of the silver pool. My heart raced, his image gave me pause. He was magnificent. A multitude of colors sparkled against the golden surface of his skin. Underneath, perfect muscles stretched and compressed propelling him forward. My own lower muscles clenched in response. My nipples hardened against the water’s cold grasp. I gasped when he took notice of me.
    Blazing green orbs sparkled in my direction. The predator’s look drawn in his gorgeous face hit me like a spear and pierced through my heart. A heated inferno erupted between my legs and a light moan slipped my lips as my arms parted the water faster.
    I reached him, the water resting just above his groin. Instead of rising up, I slipped beneath the surface to do some treasure diving. The water was wonderfully clear. My body tingled in anticipation as I scanned his enormous length. I reached into his private area squeezing the heavy hard naked shaft with both hands while the tip of my tongue licked at his swollen golden head. A growl reverberated through his body and I felt a tingle in my hands. I wanted to please him. To leave him breathless the way he had, bringing me pleasure over and over again. Just one problem. I was under the water and would soon run out of air. My feet pushed against the sandy bottom and I exploded out of the water, still holding on to my prize.
    I took a deep breath getting ready to go under again before strong arms engulfed my sides, pulling me up. Sadly I was forced to let go of my precious treasure. Shaking the water off my face, my eyes focused into his. Raw sexual need burned hot in his eyes sending my lady parts aflame. Nipples ached with want while being crushed against his steaming, golden skin. The sexual tension rose causing the water to heat and bubble around us.
    His lips were surprisingly cool when he kissed me. A possessive, all consuming kiss, that left me dry and wanting. Strong arms braced my waist and slid me down into his throbbing length. He thrust the hard tip into my soft opening delving deep and filling my sheath. Sparks of electric energy coursed through every part of my being, rousing a loud moan that filled my chest while my body trembled as he thrust again and again. Waves of pleasure crashed over me and I surrendered, screaming his name.
    In the midst of my orgasmic avalanche my enormous barbarian pivoted me around and placed my back against the rough rocks at the waterfall's edge. Colorful rivulets cascaded down his shoulders, bouncing off his skin with every thrust. Now painful thrust. The hard tips of the rocks bit savagely into my skin bringing tears to my eyes.
    I opened my mouth to say something but my throat was so dry I couldn’t speak. What happened to the water? In panic I looked to my golden barbarian, his image rapidly darkening. Everything went black. What happened to the sun?

Chapter 2
    My stomach roiled and somersaulted as everything around me spun out of control. Splaying my hands out on my sides I clutched onto a cold, gritty metal. Where was my hot barbarian? Where was the waterfall? I managed to scrape open a dry eyelid. The stale white light cut into it like a knife. How did I end up on the praking floor? Why this was dignified. Captain Caspia Jones, single-handedly

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