Deep Indigo

Deep Indigo by Cathryn Cade Page B

Book: Deep Indigo by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
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    That she’d somehow become involved with the real perpetrators, he could believe. She was unscrupulous enough to enjoy collaborating on a scheme this evil.
    His reflection stared back at him from the mirrored wall of the elevator, a pale, grim man with burning eyes, deep lines etched beside his mouth. He forced himself to blink and unlock his jaw. He must relax, must find a way to put this terrible problem out of his mind long enough to rest. Bereft of his usual soul-deep calm, he felt off-kilter. It wouldn’t take much to destroy his fragile equilibrium.

Chapter Twelve
    Navos stepped out of the elevator on the upper level, but in the passageway his footsteps slowed and then stopped.
    Nelah . She filled his mind’s eye, lovely and tempting as a low-hanging fruit. Lust swamped him, surging through him like a wave, arrowing straight to his loins so his balls tightened and lifted in painful anticipation and his penis stiffened hard and questing as a divining rod.
    He turned toward his quarters, his eyes narrowing as he pictured her there. Yes, she was waiting. Ripe and succulent as a plumquot, waiting for him to fill her with his passion. A cure as old as time for the danger and turmoil surrounding him.
    He strode for his door, already unfastening his flight suit, heat rolling up through him.
    He ignored a trio of tourists in evening wear who stepped quickly aside to let him pass. Disregarded the trio of Serpentian guards watching wide-eyed as he approached.
    “Commander?” one of them said uncertainly. “Sir?”
    Navos ignored them. Tossing his jacket aside, he put one hand on the fastening of his snug pants. Nearly there —she was so close he could almost feel her yielding to him as he thrust into her. In her arms he could forget, for a blessed time.
    “Commander Navos.” Izard, the oldest of the guards, stepped into his path, his usually twinkling eyes narrowed with concern under his shock of green-gold hair.
    “Izard,” Navos snarled. “You’ve fucked your way across the galaxy and back again. Now get out of my way, so I can do the same.”
    The Serpentian’s mouth fell open like a sunning lizard. Behind them, a tourist gasped loudly.
    The door to Navos’s quarters opened before him and he hove through it like a spacecraft through the last of a meteor shower. It slid shut behind him, closing out the gaping guards, staring tourists.
    A soft giggle fell on his ears, rising above the music. Soft and throbbing, the melody and the laughter enticed him into the shadowed room, while her scent beckoned him—delicate perfume and aroused woman.
    She lay in his bed, an offering of wanton grace. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she drew one leg up and then slowly let it fall to the side, so she lay displayed to him, her nipples tight as buds, her bare pussy a blossom waiting to be plucked.
    “You…” he growled, anger warring with the heat fogging his brain, realizing she’d played him like an untried youth. “You called me here!”
    “Yes, Commander,” she agreed, curling a finger at him. “I called you here…for sex. Now, what are you going to do about it?”
    To the rhythmic beating of a drum, he ripped off his pants and launched himself onto the bed.
    Her eyes widened as he poised above her on his outstretched arms. He eyed her, then let his gaze drift down over her bare body.
    “I’m going to take what you offer,” he said. “Every way I can think of.”
    She lifted one small hand to touch his chest, a gentle, placating gesture. “Commander—”
    “Oh, no,” he interrupted with one searing look back up into her eyes. “There’s no going back now, sweet flower. You’ve called the bee, now give up your honey.”
    He lowered himself, her scent rising about him, warm and heady. Woman overlaid with delicate perfume and the healthy glow of exercise. Burying his face in her throat, he breathed deeply and opened his mouth to taste her, sliding his hands under her back to pull her up

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