Deceiving The Groom

Deceiving The Groom by Lisa Shadow

Book: Deceiving The Groom by Lisa Shadow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Shadow
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thought working across from him could have worked.
    If she’d gone through with the plan, could she have really sat across the street and watched him suffer? Not likely. Not even if he had turned out to be the monster she’d expected. It would’ve been a bitter victory. She was just sorry she’d let it go so far.
    A silver Jaguar pulled up in front of the store and Claire yanked the curtains closed. Great, cue plug pulling…
    The front door squeaked open. Geoff stepped inside, clad in jeans and a T-shirt. Claire blinked, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen him in something other than his high-powered lawyer regalia of overpriced suits and shirts.
    A day’s growth of bristles roughened his cheeks. Claire bit her cheek. The only familiar thing about her cousin was the designer sunglasses perched on top of his head. This was all kinds of bad. He walked towards her, a brown paper bag clutched in his hand.
    What could be in that little bag—tricks most likely. She folded her arms. Geoff paused, grimacing at her expression. He stopped at the counter and opened the bag, withdrawing a small tub of ice cream. Cookies and cream, her favorite. He set the tub on the counter along with a plastic spoon.
    “A peace offering of my own.”
    Old memories panged of Geoff sneaking her ice cream when his mother had been especially cruel. She pushed the memories aside. No doubt exactly what Geoff intended with the gesture. “I told you, I’m not changing my mind.”
    “I know. That’s not why I’m here.”
    Claire let silence speak for her.
    “I came to apologize for my behavior yesterday, and for everything.” Geoff walked to the gold sofa and sat. He looked down at his hands. “I’m deeply ashamed, Claire. This was never fair to you.”
    She gazed at her cousin’s subdued form. Could it be her narcissistic cousin was actually sorry? She’d save her judgment. Geoff leaned back and patted the sofa next to him. Claire hesitated, then took the arm chair opposite.
    “I’ve done so many bad things. You have no idea,” Geoff said softly.
    “No kidding. So have I.”
    “Yeah, but I’ve done worse than sleeping with a politician going through a divorce.”
    “There’s worse than that?” She cocked an eyebrow.
    “There is. Like when you came to live with us. You’d just lost your mom, your dad, and your home within months of each other. You needed compassion and all you got was a hard time.”
    Claire rubbed her arms. The pain rose just as fresh and as raw as it had been then. “That wasn’t your fault.”
    “No, but when mother was treating you the way she did, I could’ve stood up for you. I could’ve been there for you better than I was.”
    She closed her eyes. Could he have done more? He’d been older, an adult in law school, perhaps he could’ve.
    “And after the scandal broke and mother threw you out, I could’ve helped you. Instead, when you came to me for help to get Penny, all I offered you was a plan I knew you were never going to be able to go through with.”
    A tear escaped from her clenched eyelids.
    “I’m so sorry, Claire. Can you forgive me?”
    She opened her eyes and looked into her cousin’s unshaven face. It was like looking at a stranger. Did he mean it? She wanted to believe he did.
    “I don’t have enough family left to be holding grudges.” She wiped at her cheek. “So this means no more evil plans? That’s a big change of heart…”
    Geoff looked back at his hands and his cheeks sucked in. “No more evil plans. It was what you said yesterday that did it. About being desperate—I’ve been desperate too.”
    “Why would you be desperate? You’re a divorce lawyer with a trust fund.”
    “I’m in trouble…” He covered his face. “That’s why I’ve been such an asshole about all this.”
    “What do you mean? What kind of trouble?” Claire leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder.
    Geoff dropped his hands and presented her with his bloodshot eyes.

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