    It was perfect. ‘ Oh, how I love him! ’ was the title that sprang to her mind. Rose would, of course, think of a better one, but this fitted the expression on Violet’s face. Her enormous purple-blue eyes were fixed on the dark eyes of her partner. No wonder everyone clapped when the dance finished. Justin and Violet moved together as if they had practised with each other for weeks. As if they had been in love with each other for an eternity. No one would have believed that an hour ago they had been ignoring each other. Daisy supposed they must both have been trying to impress the Duchess. So they could act!
    As an afterthought she moved the camera in the Duchess’s direction and saw with amusement how Her Grace preened herself slightly, fixing an artificial smile on her face. Still, her diamonds were wonderful and they would glint beautifully in the black and white film so Daisy allowed the camera to roll while Justin approached the sofa and said blandly, ‘Next big thing in Hollywood, this young lady, Your Grace. I have it on impeccable authority. Sir Guy Beresford thinks that Daisy will be famous one of these days.’
    Daisy lowered the camera, feeling embarrassed, but there was a calculating look on the Duchess’s face.
    ‘Daisy, dear, I wonder whether you would come to a little house party that I am having – as a guest, of course, but it would be so wonderful if you would film the occasion. Such a lovely record. I loathe and abominate those people who give the Press free access, but a few posed photographs – now, that’s a different matter. As I said to Catherine, these people have to earn their living, but as to having them in the house . . .’ The Duchess gave an exaggerated shiver and then turned back to practicalities. ‘But I’m sure that you would enjoy doing something like that, Daisy, dear. It would be a great experience for you. I would provide you with all that you need. What do you think, Sir Guy?’
    ‘I’ll get one of my workers to bring over whatever Daisy needs to develop the film, Your Grace,’ said Sir Guy gravely. ‘Of course, you’ll have to have Rose along too. She does all the title cards – she’s essential. A lovely turn of phrase, and very artistic too. I’m thinking of employing her myself. She’s as good as that fellow who works for Paramount – what’s his name? Alfred Hitchcock, I think.’
    ‘Of course we must have dear Rose,’ said the Duchess graciously. She looked around. ‘Michael, you simply must lend me your four lovely daughters for a few days. They can bring their maid and be quite comfortable together. I hope they will enjoy the company of other young folk. What do you say, Lady Elizabeth?’
    Daisy held her breath. Great-Aunt Lizzie would be thrilled for Violet to be invited to the house party and she might be happy for Daisy and Poppy to accompany her, but twelve-year-old Rose! A house party!
    There was a long moment. Michael Derrington looked at his wife’s aunt and then at his daughters’ faces. He took one step backwards as though to distance himself from the decision. Great-Aunt Lizzie smiled graciously, her wrinkled old face creasing and her hooded eyes glinting.
    ‘What a lovely idea,’ she exclaimed. ‘Thank Her Grace, girls.’

Chapter Nine

    ‘I just can’t believe it.’ It was the third time Violet had said that and Daisy was getting tired of it.
    ‘Well, you’d better believe it,’ she said, ‘because we have less than two weeks to go and we all have to have the right sort of clothes for a house party.’
    ‘ Poverty-Stricken Girls Rifle Through Old Trunks ,’ said Rose.
    ‘Exactly,’ said Daisy. ‘There’s plenty of stuff in Elaine’s trunk. We just need to get to work on it.’
    ‘All four of us going has complicated everything,’ complained Violet. She looked around at her younger sisters, and added, ‘Don’t think I’m being selfish, but it would have been best if I had been the only one asked. Things

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