Death, the Devil, and the Goldfish
paper to keep score, and a dead fish. Preferably, a kipper, as that was the name of the game. If a kipper was unavailable, then any dead fish could be used, but the name of the game must be altered accordingly, i.e.,
hide the herring
hide the smelt
hide the cod
, etc.
    The game takes place on the doorstep of someone's house or in front of a student apartment building, otherwise known as
home base
    The participant takes a pint of beer in his/her right hand and the dead fish in the left hand.
    A moderator must stand to the participant’s left to observe alcohol consumption and to operate the stopwatch.
    A scorekeeper must stand to the participant's right to keep score as directed by the moderator.
    At the moderator’s command, and usually a whistle or a good solid
will suffice, the stopwatch is started and the participant must down the entire pint of beer.
    If the participant downs the entire pint without stopping, then he/she is awarded one point. Upon finishing the beer, the participant must throw the glass up over his/her shoulder where the other participants await their turn. The participant who catches the glass is awarded one point.
    The participant with the dead fish must then run out into the street, followed by the moderator, and find a passerby, otherwise known as the
. Upon finding the
the participant must then shove the dead fish down the victim's trousers and then leg it back to the
home base
    Upon reaching home base, the participant must then down the second pint of beer, where he/she will receive another point if he/she manages to drink without stopping. As soon as the second glass is empty, the stopwatch is stopped.
    Points for time are awarded as follows: One minute and under, ten points. Between one and two minutes, eight points. Between two and three minutes, six points. Between three and four minutes, four points. Between four and five minutes, two points. Anything after five minutes is minus one point and the failing participant must drink another pint.
    The next person steps up with his/her pint and dead fish and the game continues until everyone has a turn.
    Then the second round begins.
    Games normally last ten rounds, or until the beer runs out. The points really don't matter; it's mostly to do with shocking strangers by stuffing dead fish down their trousers.
    Nigel grinned at the memory of last night's shenanigans. They must have hit about seven pubs in the space of three hours. Probably the reason for the fuzzy feeling in his head. Although, at the moment, the fuzzy feeling in his head was matched only by the gooey feeling in his heart. The reason for that feeling was Harriet.
    Harriet was a fellow student, majoring in Biology, and had a love of riding expensive horses that her daddy dearest was all too happy to buy for her. Harriet and Nigel had been seeing each other for a month and Nigel was ecstatic about her, especially since, last night before the shenanigans began, he clearly remembered Harriet telling him that she loved him. What could be better than that, he thought? He'd had a fabulous night out, his girlfriend told him that she loved him, and he had no classes today. Things were going perfectly. To prove the point, he stood in the centre of the kitchen and stretched happily, throwing his arms out on either side. What he didn't expect was exactly what happened next.
    The kitchen window exploded outward, the kitchen cupboards splintered into many small pieces, cutlery scattered everywhere, dishes and crockery exploded, and Nigel grasped his forehead as huge lightning bolts of pain threw themselves around inside his head. Gradually, he passed out. First, the kitchen became kind of blurry. Then he saw the vague shape of one of his roommates, obviously one who wasn't unconscious, standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a kind of shocked expression on his face. Then Nigel's world turned to watercolour and everything kind of slipped off the page. And then

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