Death Or Fortune

Death Or Fortune by James Chesney, James Smith

Book: Death Or Fortune by James Chesney, James Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Chesney, James Smith
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and I took our friends body home to his son Augustus.  He took it about as
well as I could have expected.
     In the days that followed the battle it would seem
there was no shortage of things to do.  It was more than a week before we
had all the bodies sorted out.  The men who fought for The Messiah were
burned in mass.  Our men were claimed by their families. Those who were
never claimed were given a proper funeral.  I had never seen so many
clerics at one time out side of a temple.  Wounds were healed, prayers
were said to the dead and in the end we celebrated our victory.  My
friends and I were invited to dine with the king and the Arcadian lords.
 Guest of honor they called us.  The sting of Arturo's death was
still on my mind and honored was the last thing I felt.
     I was in the room I shared with Hetaron, polishing my
armor for the dinner.  Other than some simple clothes I had nothing else
to wear.  I had yet to replace everything I lost in the fire at Jasmin’s
inn.  When Hetaron came in with his new robe I was impressed. When I told
him he looked ready for the stage he cast me a dirty look and simply tossed me
the belt we took from Nikle. "This is why he was so hard to kill. It
grants the person who wears it the strength of a giant. I am sure it has limits
but it is a very powerful item Darmot. You should put it on and never take it
off again.  Nikle had some other minor enhancements on his armor, it is
too bad I destroyed it, I would have liked to study it." He kept
talking as I reached down and took the belt into my hands.  The rush I got
when I put it on was incredible.  I felt as if I could crush stone in my
teeth and bend steel.  Once I put my armor on over it, I felt indestructible.
     When Hans and Pare arrived they too had taken the time
to find proper garments. I almost felt foolish, walking around in my armor but
it was too late to change anything.  As we entered the king’s castle the
four of us were waved though.  I was shocked they did not try to take my
weapon.  It must have been a strange image to all who saw us enter the
grand hall that night.  A wizard in black silk robes, a cleric in robes of
white with nothing but a silver medallion on his chest, myself in my armor and
a little halfling in one of those poofy shirts with tight leather pants.
 All the Arcadian living lords were present, my friends and I were seated
at the right hand of the king.  As we were waiting for the food to be
presented I watched in dread as Captain Turk and Michaels marched in to the
grand hall in full dress uniform.
     As they stood before the king I had to listen to a
recounting of the battle by Michaels.  He told of all that we did, of the
lives we saved and how without our tactics, we would have been doomed.
 Then when Turk spoke he commended us for our actions in the days before
and after the riot and all that we did to help the city.  They were
calling us heroes.  When they were finished, they both turned and marched
out.  When the clapping started I felt small, I wanted to hide from these
men and women.  The only one who looked pleased was Hetaron, the glow he
had on his face was almost un-natural.  When the moment passed the king
ordered the meal to begin and servants rushed the hall with platters mounded
with food.
     Each lord had been allowed to have their wife with
them and one servant.  Things were going well and the food was the best I
had eaten since I had left home what seemed to be a lifetime ago.  In
truth I was still embarrassed over all the attention we had been given.  I
did not look away from my plate until I heard Hetaron speak. " Interesting "
was all he said and the way he said it sent a chill down my spine.  I
looked to him and then looked to where he was watching. One of the lord’s
servants was holding a small crossbow.  Without thought I got to my feet
as he took aim.  I pushed the king down towards the floor as I felt

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