Death Marks (The Symbolist)

Death Marks (The Symbolist) by Katy Walters Page A

Book: Death Marks (The Symbolist) by Katy Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Walters
enough to be a model, but Esther didn't want that kind of life for him. He gritted his teeth, his baby's name in his throat - Harry. They had such plans.... He felt Tess squeeze his hand. 'You okay?'
    He shook his head, and looked down at her; in flat walking shoes, she barely came to his shoulder. So different from Esther, just three inches shorter than his six feet three, her body slender with small breasts, flowing pale blonde hair and aquamarine eyes - Esther.
    Trained in her job, Tess caught the subtle body language, the pressure of his hand, a slight tremor in the voice; his eyes haunted. What was it? There was a depth of sadness to this man; she'd felt it in the first few moments of meeting him. He had striking looks, marred by a thin scar reaching from a full upper lip to the high cheekbone. He'd obviously seen some fights, as his aquiline nose was not quite straight. The shadows under his eyes spoke of sleepless nights, the deep lines around his mouth, of muscle clenching sorrow. Yet, the gleam in his electric blue eyes dispelled the gloom.
    To her surprise, she thrilled to the touch of his hand. 'In Alabama, we're surrounded with water; we live deep in the trees, just off the Old Spanish Trail near Whispering Pines Road. Not far is Bay Front Park facing Mobile Bay, there are some fantastic views. So when I got this tenure, I was determined to live in the Downs, but near the sea as well.'
    'Yeah, we're fortunate here, plus we have the most number of sun hours in the country, a mini micro-climate.'
    She looked up smiling, only to see him gazing at some distant point in his mind.
    Redd stopped to unlatch the large range gate leading into the Vale, Sweetpea leaping, ready to dash through. 'Right here we are.'
    Looking ahead, the wood looked quite dark, Tess exclaimed, ' Look at the bark on the trees - I love the way it goes deep red in the rain. It looks as if they're bleeding. It feels eerie. You could imagine a ghostly Roman legion marching through or a horde of Vikings with axes creating mayhem. Many people report seeing them.'
    'Yeah, just the place for the Wicca and pagan groups'
    Tess stopped. 'And the Druids - their groups are termed groves. The Late Archbishop of The Eternal Order of Druids, had his obituary here, they carried out the Ceremony of the Crossing of the Bridge for him here and at Stonehenge.'
    'I've seen pagans dancing around at Stonehenge; I've gotta say it Tess, they look a bit airy-fairy you know.'
    Tess laughed, 'Airy fairy - quite apt. Why they have to dress up like that, I don't know. The philosophy has evolved, so should the dress. Anyway, as I was saying, the Druids were the most learned class, philosophy, languages, architecture, medicine, the arts, yet they were barbaric in their practices. Young people would fight to be chosen as the sacrifice.'
    'How could they choose to die such a terrible death - beats me?'
    'They did not look on death as we do, they believed in reincarnation - just as some still do today. That's why they were such terrible foes on the battlefield; they were not afraid to die. To die just meant to leave this earth for the Otherworld.'
    'Surely they had some fear?'
    'No - they had a different mind-set. There was no such thing as death, or heaven or hell for the Druid. They thought nothing of sacrificing dozens to propitiate the Gods. At the same time, the Druid was an intellectual, the finest brain in the land.'
    Redd smiled. 'You know your stuff.'
    She laughed. 'I'm fascinated; as I said, my ancestors are Welsh and Irish - so it's in my blood.'
    'I'm a mongrel, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish; with a bit of French, I believe, way back. Look, the crime scene is just ahead, see the yellow tape?'
    'Yes and look, there are plenty of oak trees and a few silver birches - all sacred to the Druids.' Tess felt her heart quickening, as she stooped beneath the tape. To her surprise, Sweetpea came back to her, growling, hackles raised along his sleek black spine. 'What is it?' She

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